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When Dr.White woke up he opened his eyes, but couldn't see and couldn't hear either.

His ears were ringing, but his vision started to come back. He only saw colors first, then shapes, and finally his eyes cleared.

He was still in the control room of the containment chamber, but the cube was nowhere to be seen and the room was broken down. There were holes in the walls and blood everywhere. Some guards were lying on the floor, dead.

He looked around, but he couldn't find his friend Erik anywhere.

"Dear God, I screwed up. Man, I'm going to be a Class D for the rest of my life."

He tried to stand up, but a sharp pain in his left leg would not let him. He began crawling to the first aid kit on the wall nearby.

He barely managed to open the kit and the supplies fell on the floor including a wound sealer. This is when he saw how bad his left leg was. A piece of rebar was sticking out of it and it was bleeding heavily.

Dr.White knew he had to do something or he will bleed out very quickly. He pulled out the rebar and used the wound sealer to seal the wound.

The wound sealer was a device, which injects a special foam into a medium to the large-sized wound to block bleeding. Some of the foam will later evaporate or turn into live tissue to heal the wound in less than an hour.

After his leg was fixed somewhat and the bleeding stopped, his hearing came back.

He became frightened when he heard gunfire in the distance.

"Holy God is the chaos insurgency attacking us!? I must get out of here."

Dr.White slowly walked to the door and swiped his keycard, but the system didn't respond.

"Guess I'll have to pry it open."

Dr.White picked up the rebar that he pulled out of his leg a few minutes ago and wedged it between the door and the doorframe, then tried to force it open. The door wouldn't even budge.

He tried a second time, but with all the force he managed to regain.

This time the pressure valves broke and the pneumatic door opened with a cracking sound. As he peeked out he saw even more death. On-site guards were lying on the ground annihilated, pieces of researchers on the ground, and blood everywhere.

"Something came through here. It was a fierce battle." He thought.

Along the corridor, there were mobile cover panels set up with the SCP insignia on them.

"The guards must have tried to stop the invaders from getting what they wanted. It seems they didn't last too long."

He started to walk toward the elevator. In the elevator, there were humanoid robots destroyed. Some were marked with unknown insignias.

"I can't close the elevator doors, I need to find the stairs to go up. Well, at least I will be taking a healthy walk."

He took a left turn and began walking. Because he hadn't used the stairs before he didn't know where it was.

He felt like he was playing that Class D simulator, but this time, he was the Class D.

The corridor he walked through was full of rubble. He remembered that the chamber of SCP-500 is somewhere around here.

"I could pick up a pill or two maybe, just in case. Not like it's going to change anything."

He quickly found the door, but it was already blasted open, which meant that someone already looted it.

"Damn it. Someone beat me to it."

In the chamber, everything was broken. The white walls it had before are now full of bullet holes. But not all hope was lost. A single locker remained untouched, which is exactly what Dr.White needed. 

He swiped his keycard on the locker in the room which opened, revealing a single, red, SCP-500 pill. 

"Taking one for research... Heh, I knew it would come in handy to hide one in the locker."

He took the pill and put it in his bag. He closed the locker and was headed back to the door when he suddenly heard a sound that he knew well.

"Shit, it found me!" 

SCP-173 the neck-breaking statue was standing in the doorway, blocking the only exit. Dr.White saw no other way, so he decided to do the only thing he could. 

"The door is around 8 meters away and the statue moves 2 meters under 0.1 second, so if I can blink fast enough, the statue will come out of the doorway to break my neck, but it will not be able to reach me if everything goes well.

Dr.White: 173, what a surprise to see you here. How did you get out of your cell? You know what, it doesn't matter. Let's play a game. Catch me.


When he opened his eyes, the statue was standing directly in front of him, ready to break his neck.

"Okay, easy now."

Dr.White slowly went around the statue, keeping up the eye contact, and backed out of the room. SCP-173 was ready for the duel. As Dr.White backed up 173 came closer. They did this until they arrived at the end of the corridor.

He tried to find his keycard, so he could open the door behind him, but accidentally blinked. 173 was directly in his face again. Dr.White luckily found the keycard and opened the door, which made him fall into the room on his back. 

Miraculously he managed to close the door and isolate himself from 173. He calmed himself down and turned around which was not a pleasant sight. Nine men in tactical gear pointed rifles at him.

Leader of the men: HALT! IDENTIFY YOURSELF! NOW!

Dr.White was shaken to the core but managed to get himself together and answer.

Dr.White: I... I'm Doctor James White. I am a Senior Researcher. 

Dr.White then pulled out his keycard so the man could check it, which he did and turned towards the other men signaling he was good. When the men lowered their weapons Dr.White saw what was written on their vests.


"A mobile task force? So there is hope."

"I can get out of here... Maybe..."

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