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Erik: What should we do now James?

Dr.White: I... I truly don't know. At least not yet... 

Erik: Are you sure we time travelled? There are some other sites with us. How did they come with us?

Dr.White: I don't know yet, okay!? I've never time traveled before.

Erik: Okay... I hoped you would have it figured out by now as you usually do.

Dr.White turned toward M4.

Dr.White: Hey girl, uhm pardon me, M4. Why did your group attack us?

M4A1: Our commander gave us the order after intel reported that some Sangvis units left your base, so we thought it might be one of their facilities. We didn't know that your "Foundation" was not in alliance with them.

Dr.White: Can you somehow tell your company not to shoot at us, please? We've lost almost half of our men due to the containment breach and the external attacks. We are at around 350 people right now. We had almost 700.

M4A1: I don't think they would listen to me, besides my communication module is also damaged.

Dr.White: We'll repair that, but why wouldn't they listen?

M4A1: Would you listen to your best friend if you knew he might have been brainwashed?

Dr.White: You've got a fair point there. But then what should we do?

Erik: What if we try to get our Site together first? Maybe show the researchers how to shoot?

Erik looked so serious that even Dr.White noticed it. 

Dr.White: That's actually a pretty good idea. We need to talk with the site director as soon as possible. Erik, could you escort M4 back to a standard humanoid cell, please?

Erik: Sure thing James. Miss M4, please follow me. We can't let you go yet, but I assure you that no harm will happen to you.

M4 looked really disappointed as she saw a chance to leave, but Dr.White broke it in half. A guard soon arrived and they escorted M4 to her cell with Erik. Dr.White was back in business again. He asked around to find the Site Director, but to his surprise, he was nowhere to be found.

"Where is that man? I saw him before the cube exploded. He must be around somewhere."

He walked around in the entrance zone, asked around in heavy containment, and with the assistance of the Nine-Tailed Fox he even checked light containment where some SCPs were still free.

He couldn't find the site director and no one knew where he was. The Site was completely headless. 

"How did we even survive the breach like that, let alone the attacks?"

Dr.White decided to ask one of his researcher colleagues for the last time.

Dr.White: Hey, do you have any idea where the Site Director is?

Researcher: Man, I have no idea. I think he was killed during the breach. 

Dr.White: Killed?

Researcher: Yes. Or those robots might have taken him.

Dr.White: Great. Now we are running around like headless chickens. We can't even contact O5 to appoint a new one.

Researcher: Well, you know, why don't you become one? After you and Dr.Rausch brought in that enemy leader everyone is talking about you. You are living legends. Most of us would vote for you probably. 

Dr.White: I... Don't think I would be the best person for overseeing the site. I mean I'm just a researcher and what would O5 think about this?

Researcher: But you said that we can't contact O5 and someone needs to keep the site running. We've worked together on some projects and I know you are not a bad man, so why not?

Dr.White: Ehhh, alright... What if the others won't accept me as a Site Director?

Researcher: Look, I and my colleagues will hold an election and we'll see. Come back in the afternoon and you will find me here with the results.

Dr.White: Okay, then... See you in the afternoon. Thanks for the help.

Site-██, Local time: 15:43

Dr.White was sitting in his office chair when his phone rang. It was the researcher he talked with very early in the morning. 

Researcher: Hello, is this Dr.White?

Dr.White: Yes, this is White speaking.

Researcher: We have the results, come to the conference room.

Dr.White: Alright, I'll be there in a second.

He put down the phone and grabbed his backpack and lab coat as he usually did every afternoon until the accident.

His footsteps echoed through the facility. As he walked he began thinking like he always does.

"I don't have anyone, but what about the people here who have a family? Those who died protecting the site? Jesus. I have to save those who are still alive."

He soon arrived at the conference room where everything was already prepared. A cardboard sign was hanging from the ceiling which read:

'Congratulations on your promotion James!'

He looked around confused as the crowd opened up and pushed him to the stage. The researcher who he had talked to was standing there already. 

Researcher: Dr.White, I can officially declare that you are the new Site Director. Here is your new level 4 keycard. From now on, you will lead this tiny Site in these hard times. Out of the 336 people we asked, only 24 were against you, and 43 said it didn't matter. So congratulations!

He handed the keycard to White and shook his hand. Dr.White looked around embarrassed.

Researcher: Come on White, say something. 

He pointed at the microphone that was on the table nearby. Dr.White picked up the microphone and began speaking.

Dr.White: I know these times are challenging. We've lost most of our staff in the first few hours, but we are not completely lost. I have a plan to fix everything! And together, with all of you, we will not only defeat our enemies but will help other sites as well!!! 

The crowd cheered. After the hopelessness, everyone saw the light at the end of the tunnel.

Dr.White: Now, we will begin the recovery and get our site together. We don't need O5 to keep this site running! We need a leader! I will lead you back home and everyone will see their family after we succeed!!!

The crowd was fired up again. Even Dr.White was surprised by how successful he was. Years of being friendly with everyone paid out.

Dr.White: Okay everyone. Let's show O5 what we are capable of! See you all around the site. Good luck!

Dr.White then put the microphone down on the table and went back to his office. The crowd slowly dispersed as everyone returned to their posts.

Dr.White opened the door to his office, walked in, and placed his laptop on the table. Hanged his lab coat and sat down in the chair. He turned on the laptop and began writing a document for the site staff.

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