The Ride

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The convoy was far ahead so it took White and Erik some time to catch up to them.

Erik: Hey, James... How fast is the convoy?

Dr.White: Yeah?

Erik: How fast is the convoy?

Dr.White: They are going around 45 kilometers an hour and plus-minus a few. The M1 and the Bradleys can't go faster on this terrain.

Erik: And can you give me some information about how you plan to get into that base?

Dr.White: Oh, I forgot to tell you the plan, haha.

Dr.White pulled out a map and showed it to Erik who put the bird into autopilot.

Dr.White: So, check this out. We are here currently and that's our convoy. Do you see that urban area? First, we pass that, and then we arrive at this hill here where we set up an observation camp. G&K will attack another facility of theirs which will draw them out. When the patrol leaves, we infiltrate the compound by blasting through the fence and wall here.

Erik: Blasting?! That's quite loud.

Dr.White: Don't you think that a helicopter is loud? 

Erik: You got a point...

Dr.White: After we enter here, we locate the cube. You said that it was on the second floor right?

Erik: Yes, but it's heavily guarded. 

Dr.White: Don't worry about that. After we get the cube out, some of us stay behind as rear guards and provide cover for the retreating units. Then at home, we use the electromagnets again to reverse the effect of the cube and we go home. Sounds good?

Erik: Don't you think you rushed this a little?

Dr.White: I always know what I'm doing, even if I don't...

Erik wasn't convinced by that answer, but he trusted his friend so he turned off the autopilot and pushed the throttle to the max. The helicopter's engine screamed and they vanished in a cloud.

Bradley IFV, Rear Compartment, Local time: 8:41

In the back, the girls were in complete silence. All of them were watching the new girl quietly who was sitting in the same vehicle as them. 

Sopmod decided to host a secure communications channel with the others to find out if they know something about the new girl. The SCC was a common method to send messages between dolls and due to its encryption, it was a popular way to talk without actually talking.

SOP: Hey, does anyone know who is this girl? I've never seen a T-Doll like her before.

AR15: Neither do I. M4, I assume you know more than us. Who's this?

M4: I don't know. James never told me about her. She looks strange though with that backpack on her back... and what is that? It looks like some kind of rifle or grenade launcher.

SOP: She would look better without the backpack...

M16: Better keep an eye on her. She doesn't look like a regular doll and just by her looks, I believe she is much more special. RO, do you have any idea?

RO635: The thing she has is some sort of energy weapon probably. I detect a strong magnetic field around her.

SOP: It's a good thing that she can't hear us here.

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