Friend Or Foe?

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Silhouette: Sir! Sir! Wake up!

"Why would I wake up, I am dead? Aren't I?"

As Dr.White regained his consciousness, he felt his back pressing against something. Hard, brittle, and cold, just like concrete.

The man who stood in front of him shook Dr.White by the shoulder. 

Silhouette to someone else: We need to get him out of here!  *explosion in the distance* Ah! God damn it! Grab him by the hands and pull him to that...

Dr.White was grabbed by the dark silhouettes and was dragged for around thirty meters before they gently put him down. 

As his blurry vision started to clear up, he recognized the men. It was Red and Chief Bandit from Omega-26. They were getting deeper into the forest.

Red Bandit: Chief, look! His neck!

Chief Bandit: Ooof, that looks very bad. Like someone dragged him by the neck...

Red Bandit: The neck? Did they try to hang him or something?

Chief Bandit: We can't say for sure.

Red Bandit: Doctor, you are the Site Director now, you need to be more careful. You hearin' me right?

Dr.White made a confused look and then answered.

Dr.White: Yeah... *Cough* My neck hurts bad... What about 173?

Chief Bandit: 173? Here? No, he's back home. Contained and lively as ever.

Dr.White: But I saw it! *Coughing intensifies*

Red Bandit: Yeah, yeah. Doc, can you feel your body?

Dr.White: Now that you say... AAAAAAAHHH!!!!

Red Bandit quickly put a rag into Dr.White's mouth.

Red Bandit: Bite on it! I'll find some morphine.

Chief Bandit: Good news, your neck isn't broken, Doctor.

Red Bandit pulled out an autoinjector full of morphine and stabbed it into White's leg.

Red Bandit: Doc, you know that your right leg didn't make it? At least it's patched up somewhat.

Dr.White: I know it Red, thank you for the reminder. *Cough* Where are we?

Chief Bandit: Forest, about two clicks away from the enemy. We've found you just outside their base lying on the ground. We've decided to engage in short-range combat to bring you out, even though we are not really trained for this.

Red Bandit: You know Doc, snipin's a good job mate, but bringing back casualties while under fire...? Not so much. A bolt-action versus an assault rifle is quite a one-sided fight.

Dr.White: Uh, I'm sorry about that... How are the others?

Chief Bandit: Don't worry about that. They secured the cube and are on their way back to the site.

Dr.White: Home... So distant, yet so close... Man, when I get there, I'll drink some coffee made at my favorite coffee shop in the city.

Red Bandit: We are not out of the woods yet, Doc. No pun intended...

The two snipers quickly made a makeshift stretcher out of sticks and put Dr.White on it.

Chief Bandit: I know we shouldn't have carried you without this, but leaving you there wasn't an option, so... sorry if we made things worse...

Dr.White: I'm still alive. Or at least I think so... And this forest is also pretty calming. Red, didn't you overdose me a little? Because I feeeeeel toooooo caaaaallllmmm...

Red Bandit: Uh...

Site-██, Medical Ward, Local time: 16:54

 "Ah, the medical ward. A familiar place... I wonder what time is it..."

As Dr.White looked around his room, the spotted a clock on the wall. 

"Great. It would be a shame to die from a morphine overdose after all this cluster f..."

Erik: JAMES! MAN! WELCOME HOME! I mean, not actually home... but we are very close to that...

Dr.White: Close? Oooh, my right leg feels tingly.

Erik: You've got a new robotic leg. Directly connected to your neural network and got some impressive specs for sure. I finished it for you yesterday.

Dr.White: Yesterday? But we just got home today right? I remember Red and Chief carrying me just a few hours ago...

Erik: James... You've been in a coma for almost three weeks...

Dr.White: What? No... Just a few hours ago... Alright, I'm getting used to this already. What now? How are the others?

Erik: Uhm... Yeah, about the others... Are you sure you wanna know?

Dr.White: Is it that bad?

Erik: Well... Badger and Warpig were destroyed... Their crew went to the other side with them... We had a lot of injuries and some deaths as well... About half of the men we came with are KIA.

Dr.White: Jesus... What about M4 and the team?

Erik: We... We had some complications on the way back home...

Dr.White: Spit it out, Erik.

Erik: Uh...

Dr.White: Yeah, I'm listening?

Erik: On the way home, Micro detected suspicious data flow coming from multiple dolls... but mainly from M16. When she questioned them about it, hell let loose. A detonation occurred nearby and when our units recovered, things got very messy. An unknown military ambushed us during the fight...

Dr.White: *Sigh* And then?

Erik: M16 turned against us and shot Micro who detonated her HV transformers to buy time for the retreating humans. SOP-II, RO635, and AR-15 are missing in action.

Dr.White: I can't believe this... M4?

Erik: I have no idea, James. Someone said they saw M16 dragging her away, but they weren't sure. Sorry... I know how much M4 meant to you.

Dr.White: At least we've got the cube right?

Erik: Yes, we do. But are you sure you want to go back?

Dr.White: We've got no choice. These men and women have families... Or at least those who survived anyways... And you know that O5 controls this place with iron fists. They don't want loose ends.

Erik: If you believe that's the right choice, then... Oh, I forgot to mention. SCP-173 is pretty active these days. He keeps scratching the same words onto the walls of its cell over and over.

Dr.White: Words?

Erik: Yes, come. I'll show you.

Dr.White stood up with the help of Erik and they took the elevators down to light containment zone. From here, they entered the observation chamber of SCP-173. As usual, the statue was standing in a corner. These words were scratched on the chamber walls:


Erik: Do you know what this mea...

Dr.White: Did it leave the containment chamber!?

Erik: Calm down, okay..? I don't think so. The guards said it was unsupervised for an hour once but none of the alarms went off.

Dr.White: Looks like I made a deal with the devil and indeed he will want something in return.

"Crunching robot necks are not that fun, eh? It requires twice the work... One more reason to go home, but how did he get out in the first place?"

Erik: What do you mean?

Dr.White: Nothing, Erik... Nothing...

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