Time's Up

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Dr.White shook the sleeping M4.

Dr.White: M4! Wake up! I heard gunfire!

M4: *Yawn* You heard gunfir...


M4: What the!?

The explosions became so powerful that the whole cell was shaken. M4 and Dr.White took shelter in the furthest corner from the direction of the sound.


Suddenly the wall collapsed and the lower levels of the building went with it sending dust into the air.

SF Base, Somewhere in the forest, 10 Minutes ago

The vehicles were waiting in the bushes. Their engines were running and waiting for the commands.

The radio crackled and soon Erik started to speak.

Erik: All units, hostiles ahead. Split up after breaching and completing the objectives. You are free to engage!

The ABV began to roll followed by the other vehicles. The SF forces quickly spotted the assault and sent the guards to take care of the attackers but they were destroyed almost instantly.

The vehicle stopped, lowered its mine plow, and started to move forward. A mine blew up just in front of it, to which Shredder fired a line charge. The rocket flew up in the sky, spinning like a fidget spinner, bringing 790 kilograms of explosives with it. 

When the line charge was fully extended and landed in the middle of the minefield the commander pressed the detonation button.


The mines detonated instantly and the ABV rolled through the safe path followed by the other units. 

Commander: Wall in sight. Stop, I'll fire the charge.

Driver: Copy! 

Shredder 1-1 stopped and fired the second line charge which flew over the wall and blew a large hole into the wall and the lower levels of a building nearby. As the vehicle rolled in, a monstrous cannon was already waiting for them.


Driver: I'm on it!

But they ran out of time... The cannon fired a kinetic energy penetrator to destroy the enemy armor.

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