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Omega-26 was exploring the area 46 kilometers to the north of the Site. They used a special recon drone to make a 3D map of the area and then send it to the researchers at the Site.

This was needed after the site's researchers figured out that they are probably dealing with an Öß-Class "Multi-Universal Amalgamation" Scenario where two universes interact with each other. 

Site-██, Conference Room, Local time: 10:27

Dr.White: My men from the Scorpion research group came up with the idea that our universe has collided with another. This would explain why some parts of the world came from ours and some from the other universe.

Erik: Yes, that seems like the case to me. Omega-26 reported that about 25% of our world came with us but most people died in the first 72 hours due to exposure to an unknown infection.

Dr.White: Ah yes, the infection... but it's not SCP-008, right?

Erik: It doesn't seem like that. The 008 infected behave quite differently and they are less aggressive, not to talk about that they don't have these giant, armored things. Anyway, did you manage to buy some of those T-Dolls? 

Dr.White: Yup, I contacted this woman named Persicaria and she said that we could make a deal, but it will cost a lot. They are her favorite dolls and they are very unique.

Erik: We don't want any other than M4A1, right?

Dr.White: She only sells them to us if we buy the whole group.

Erik: Now that's really a pain in the butt. What did you offer her?

Dr.White: Well, I offered an SCP-500 pill I took during the first breach, a 207 cola, a strange battery and she will get to mess around with 079 for some time.

Erik: Does she know that all of those except the SCP-500 are really dangerous?

Dr.White: I explained it to her in the reply but I think her main motivation is experimenting with the old AI. The G&K Commander said that she likes those things.

Erik: And what about G&K are they letting the dolls leave just like that?

Dr.White: If everything goes right, we will drop off two handheld micro HID devices for them in exchange.

Erik: Are you sure? Those things are expensive, you know...?

Dr.White: We need the extra manpower. If no one is here to use them, then what's the point?

Erik: I see...

Dr.White: If they accept the trade I will...

Out of the blue, an explosion shook the facility and the alarm went off.

Dr.White: What the hell!?

Two guards rushed into the room and notified the Site Director and his right hand about an attack from the North. Dr.White quickly ordered STF-Gamma-18 to take up a defensive position and protect the Site at all costs.

Site-██,  Local time: 10:34

The crew of Warpig 1-1 were chilling in the vehicle bay. They painted random things on the side of their M1 Abrams Main Battle Tank, like skulls, playing cards, and their motto. "Formed from four, now as one."

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