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Unknown: Ahhh, Senior Researcher Doctor James White... Welcome back. I see you've corrected your mistake at last.

Dr.White: I am sorry, Sir! This will never happen again. I promise.

Unknown: I see you have a Site Director keycard. How did you obtain it? 

Dr.White: We had an election during the containment breach and...

Unknown: You know what? I don't want to know.

Dr.White: I'm sorry, Sir! We needed a leader...

Unknown: I said I don't care! 

Dr.White: I understand, Sir! Sorry, Sir!

Unknown: Now... My fellow council members voted against you...

Dr.White was a brave man, but even his voice became shaky in this situation.

Dr.White: Please, Sir, don't demote me to class D, I'd rather get terminat...

Unknown: ENOUGH! Let me speak or you WILL become a class D!

Dr.White: Yes, Sir!

Unknown: So, my fellow council members voted against you... BUT, I believe you are an important asset to our organization. I want you to keep your life and your Site Director keycard.

Dr.White: Thank you, Sir! I can't say enough how grateful I am.

Unknown: I would give you an O5 keycard as well BUT...

Dr.White flinched.

Dr.White: I will not let you down si...


Dr.White: I... I... I...

Unknown: You are in shock? Good. Let this be a lesson for you. 

Dr.White: I'm sorry, Sir...

Unknown: BUT, where do you think our dear Larry is?

Dr.White: Oh NO, SCP-106, the old man... We forgot about him!

Unknown: Big mistake. Perhaps I might turn a blind eye to it if you correct it... and maybe on the way save that girlfriend of yours...

Dr.White was very embarrassed.

Dr.White: I am sorry, Sir! May I ask?

Unknown: Go ahead.

Dr.White: How did the council know about what happened during the breach?

Unknown: Some things should never see sunlight, Doctor...

Dr.White: I understand, Sir.

Unknown: Excellent... Now go and sleep well. You will need that energy soon...

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