You Are No Doctor

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The two snipers, codenamed Chief Bandit and Red Bandit were observing SCP-049. The anomaly was a little less than 500 meters away from the snipers who were hiding in a building on the 5th floor.

Red Bandit: Haha. Hey Chief, do you think that 049 will get through that huge infected?

Chief Bandit: Hell yeah! He kills with a single touch, so I don't expect any of them to survive.

Red Bandit: Wanna make a bet?

But they were interrupted by a radio call. It was Dr.White and Erik.

Dr.White: This is Site Director Dr.White. Omega-26, are you there?

Chief Bandit grabbed his radio in a hurry, almost dropping it in the process.

Chief Bandit: This is Chief Bandit from Omega-26. We hear you, Sir.

Dr.White: Good. Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11 is inbound to capture SCP-049. Your job will be to provide long-range fire support and overwatch.

Chief Bandit: Wilco. Can we open fire directly at the SCP?

Dr.White: Negative unless absolutely necessary.

Chief Bandit: Got it.

Dr.White: Good hunting Omega-26. Over.

Chief Bandit: Thank you, Sir! Omega-26, Over and out.

Chief Bandit and Red Bandit packed their AWM sniper rifle and spotter gear and decided to find a new place to cover the incoming Nine-Tailed Fox from.

Chief Bandit: Sniping in a run-down city, wearing ghillie suits, going after a single target deep inside hostile territory. Doesn't this sound familiar to you? We just need a little more radiation and we are good to go.

Red Bandit: Are you referring to that shooter game Chief?

Chief Bandit: Heh. You know me too well, Red...

They saw a taller building in the distance, but the way to it was swarming with the infected.

Red Bandit: Chief, are you sure it's a good idea to go that way?

Chief Bandit: No, but we've got our orders and we have no time to waste.

The two snipers moved across the city silently, but an infected spotted them soon. The zombie-like creatures rushed toward the two snipers.

Chief Bandit: We are spotted! Open fire!

They pulled out their integrally suppressed Honeybadger rifles and landed headshots, one after another. The two ran into an alley where they thought they would be safe. They were wrong. Something was coming... Something big and angry.

From around the corner, a giant armored zombie jumped out.

Giant Infected: GRRRRAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!

It charged at Chief Bandit who emptied his magazine into his attacker, but the bullets just ricocheted off its armor. The creature pinned Chief to the wall and tried to hit him, but suddenly its head exploded.

The creature collapsed and Red Bandit was standing behind it. The suppressed AWM in his hand was still smoking.

Chief Bandit: Nice shot. Don't forget the wind direction next time.

Red Bandit: Does that really matter now? Let's move!

The two sprinted toward their destination.

Red Bandit: Chief, look!

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