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As Dr.White walked around the site looking for clues that would give him a better understanding of M16's behavior, he entered the room of the tactical dolls.

The place was how they left it a few days ago, so he decided to search.

"I don't need a search warrant to check my property, right? Maybe a little sniffing around won't hurt..."

The room had a charging station so he went there and started downloading the data. He placed the HDD into his backpack.

"Alright, I'll check this later. Maybe those drawers are worth a try."

He pulled out each of them, looked under the bed, and behind the table... but he found nothing.

The room was clean and tidy. He laid down on the bed and started to think.

"Nothing... F*KING NOTHING!  Man, it's so tiring... Everyone thinks I'm perfect, I get all the good girls, I'm so smart..."

He put his hand on his forehead and closed his eyes.

"Yes, but they don't think about the pressure that comes with it... Writing papers and documenting everything, taking care of everyone while having an anomaly that killed my parents, and now I'm forced to do business with it?!

Only the sheer luck that I didn't die. How many times have I been near to death in these months? I've lost count... I try to mask my feelings all the time, so I don't feel vulnerable. The only time I could let go of myself was around Erik and M4. Without them..."

He cut the thought in half as soon as he realized he still has the HDD to search.

"Hmm, maybe..."

He rushed to his office and turned on his laptop. He plugged in the HDD and opened the files.





White selected the LOGS folder and used a filter to see suspicious activity. The folder contained data about when a T-Doll connected, disconnected, charged, and/or communicated with an external server.

-ConnX_Established → USR: TD_M16 → Charge + Ex_SERV_ACCESS → UNKNOWN SOURCE

-ConnX_Established → USR: TD_M4A1 → Charge + ST_ACCESS

-ConnX_Established → USR: TD_RO635 → Charge + ST_ACCESS → SYSTEM BACKUP

"Hmm. Server access outside of the Site? What could that be? Let's do a backtrace..."


"A firewall? Weird... Where did she send all this data? Why would she try to hide it? This can't be G&K, right? Let's check if she had superuser access."

Dr.White opened the ACCESS folder now and sniffed around for clues.







"Nothing out of the ordinary. Micro still has the superuser as an SCP agent and... Wait a minute! How did M16 get total access!?"

He quickly changed his directory to the system files, where all the important data is stored. Without this folder, the charging station would crash.

chargesys32.exe *Needed for basic operation*

chargeconnXv3.exe *Needed for T-Doll connection*

dataforward.exe *Needed for communication*

parapluie.autorun *Unknown file, not needed and suspicious*

"What is that? I shouldn't open it for sure... Maybe someone took control over M16? How did this slip through the security measures!?"

Dr.White quickly ran a scan on the foundation servers, but they were not infected. The server security had placed the charging station in quarantine a long time ago.

"Huh, that was close... Let's just get rid of this infection now. I'll send this to the IT team, they might figure out what this thing does."

The last thing he wanted to check was the STORAGE folder.

In the folder, he only found a single abnormal file named README.txt.

He ran a scan to see if it was dangerous but the returned data looked safe.

He opened it.

'Dear James,
I know you are a smart man, so I figured out that you would eventually find this message in case I went missing.
I just wanted you to know that I was really into you from the beginning and I admire how much you care about your team's wellbeing.
I hope you'll find what you are looking for in life.

Yours truly,
Tactical Doll M4A1'

After reading this message, even the always cool Dr.White lost his coolness. A single tear rolled down his cheek which he wiped off with his lab coat.

Site-██, Cyber Warfare Department, Local time: 11:20

Engineer: Doctor White, we've extracted some data from the file you sent us. This is a virus that was designed to slip into a T-Dolls system and allow the installation of applications remotely.

Dr.White: Anything else?

Engineer: The virus could have spread to all of the T-Dolls that used the charging station, but this is just a hypothesis. I couldn't determine where the malicious code came from, but I believe that the initial vector of the infection was Tactical Doll M16.

Dr.White: Do you think that this program could be used to install something that can remote control our dolls?

Engineer: Certainly.

Dr.White: Okay, thanks. Now I have a theory. You can return to your job now.

Engineer: Yes, Sir!

"M4, I promise we will see each other... One day..."

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