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Site-██, Local time: 10:11

7 days passed since the order went out. The staff worked diligently day and night and even repelled an enemy attack without casualties. Even Class D personnel were working hard in hopes of not getting fed to one of the SCPs. Dr.White walked around the Site every day and helped in everything he could while trying to keep the Site mostly self-sustaining.

He even visited the training of STF-Gamma-18 and MTF-Omega-26 task forces every second day. On this day, however, Erik joined to see the training of these task forces himself.

Erik: Hi James, how's the training going?

Dr.White: It goes very well. The Nine-Tailed Fox operatives are now showing some close-quarters techniques for the newbies. We can't turn guards into special ops in under two weeks, but it's better than nothing.

Erik: I guess you are right. I think we won't be going home for quite some time, so they will have time to get some skills.

Dr.White: Yes, that's my plan. Hey, you! Watch where your rifle is pointing!

STF-Gamma-18 Recruit: Sorry sir, I'm still getting used to this type of close-quarters combat.

Dr.White: Don't let that happen again. Good luck.

STF-Gamma-18 Recruit: Yes Sir! Thank you, Sir!

They walked past the training MTF-Omega-26 snipers. The shooter hit a target from a kilometer away.

Dr.White: Impressive. You've really got a feel for your weapon.

MTF-Omega-26 Sniper Recruit: Thank you, Sir. My dream came true when you appointed me to be a sniper. I've already loved sniper rifles and now I'm a real sniper! How cool is that!?

Dr.White: Just keep your sight on the target newbie. You are still far away from becoming a real sniper. You have to live up to that title, but don't worry. You will have plenty of time.

They continued walking.

Dr.White: Erik, how is M4 doing in the cell?

Erik: She's kinda bored down there. She spent most of her time in deep sleep.

Dr.White: You know what, let's check on her now. What do you think?

Erik: You are the Site Director, not me. I go wherever you tell me to be.

Dr.White: Then let's go.

Dr.White and Erik came back to the Site from the training field, which was not far from the Site's entrance. They swiped their keycards and entered the facility. Then they used the elevator to get down into heavy, then from there into light containment where M4's cell was located.

They knocked on the door and stepped in. M4 was sitting on the bed.

Dr.White: Hello M4, I'm sorry. I haven't visited you in a few days, but now I'm here. Did the staff take good care of you?

M4 looked at Dr.White with a bored face.

M4: It's clean in here, I did not get beat up so I guess you guys are not that bad. It's really boring here though and my battery is getting depleted as well. I am still damaged here and there and I guess you won't do much about that.

Dr.White: Maybe we could do some business. For some intelligence, we could get you repaired and maybe charged as well. If you'll behave nicely, you might get a chance to play a little on the training field.

M4: Depending on what kind of intel you want, maybe we could make a deal...

Dr.White: Excellent! Now, first. what the hell is the Sangvis Ferri you talked about?

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