Heavy Production

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Erik: What are we doing in 914's room, James?

Dr.White was running around until he collected a few things like processors, batteries, carbon fiber panels, and a micro HID. He laid down the stuff directly in front of Erik who didn't understand what Dr.White was doing.

Erik: James, could you stop for a second...? Hello? Are you even listening?

Dr.White: Nah.

Erik: What are you planning to do with that micro HID? Where did you get that anyway???

Dr.White: Just wait for it...

Erik felt ignored so he tried to leave, but when he opened the door...

Dr.White: It's ready!

Erik: What is ready exactly? That pile of useless stuff you put in 914? Are you planning to upgrade that?

Dr.White: If the machine is affected by the time or dimension shift or whatever, then we should be able to...

Erik: Yeah?

But Dr.White didn't answer. He kicked the pile into the intake booth of the clockworks machine, threw in a T-Doll chip he salvaged, set it to very fine, and turned the key. The doors closed and the machine began to refine the items inside.

Erik: Are you nuts? What if that thing that comes out is hostile!? Remember what happened last time! 

Dr.White: Too late...

The output booth opened and a beautiful girl stepped out of the machine. Her waist-length bluish hair and blue eyes were something that none of the two researchers have seen before. The coat she wore fit really well with the upgraded micro HID in her hands.

 The coat she wore fit really well with the upgraded micro HID in her hands

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*Generated with waifu labs AI, but if you would like to draw her a full body with the weapon, feel free to do so, and I might consider changing it to that later.

Dr.White: See!??! I told you it would work! 

The girl lifted her head and said:

Unknown girl: Hi, my name is Micro HID, but you can call me Micro. Are you my new commander?

Dr.White: Hello Micro, I'm Dr.James White and I will be your commander. You can take commands from Dr.Erik Rausch as well. He's my colleague and right hand. 

Micro HID nodded.

Micro HID: Would you like a description of my details?

Dr.White: Sure. Why not?

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