Soldier's Day Off

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Observation Camp, Under A Tree, Local time: 12:41

Dr.White was observing the SF base through his binoculars. The distance between them was about a kilometer, more than enough to stay hidden and the high ground was a great addition to their combat strength. 

"Barbed wire fence,  guards, minefields, and drones. The walls are made of reinforced concrete. Some sort of energy shield is around the base as well. We can't take them out from the outside, so the helo approach is out of the game."

He kept observing the base until someone lightly tapped on his shoulder. He lowered the binoculars and turned around.

Dr.White: Oh, hi M4. How are you doing?

M4: Uh, I'm doing fine... Is Dr.Erik Rausch somewhere around here?

Dr.White: Oh, you are looking for him? No, he's taking a nap somewhere. Flying takes out a lot of energy away from him.

M4: I was actually looking for you...

Dr.White: Me? Is there any problem?

M4: Ahhh, nooo. I just wanted to know how you and that blue-haired girl got together...

Dr.White: What? Like a couple? Hell no... We are not together... Where did you get this information?! I made her using an SCP, but that doesn't mean we are a couple.

M4 quietly made a sigh of relief.

M4: Sooo... That means you are still technically free right...?

Dr.White: Let's not talk about that now... Go clean your weapon or something.

M4: Alright, good to know, hehe. See you later then...

As soon as she left Erik jumped out of a nearby bush scaring the soul out of Dr.White.


Dr.White: AH! Erik! You know how bad my nerves are these days.

Erik: It seems you've got yourself a girlfriend...

Dr.White: Erik. I told you once, I'll tell you twice. There is nothing between us! 

Erik: Blah, blah, blah...

Dr.White: Oh come on! Go clean your helicopter or something... Maybe clean your brain from these thoughts...

Erik: Alright, alright. I'm going Mr.Lady Killer, haha.

Dr.White: Just get out of here! 

Erik quickly left Dr.White alone with his thoughts.

"He's just so annoying... or maybe I'm the blind and relationships can exist between robots and humans... Is she really that into me? Maybe I should ask her out? Out to where? We are stuck in this god damn place."

He put his hand on his forehead and leaned against the tree.

"Maybe I'll ask her out when the mission ends... Nah. Humans and T-Dolls are incompatible. They are just machines... Remember James... They are not real... No matter how pretty they are..."

He closed his eyes.

"O5 would demote me if I'd come home with a robot. James, are you coming home at all? Maybe it's your chance to find someone. No. I can't. I have to focus... Focus... Fo... cu... sssssssss..."

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