Recovery Order

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Order issued by: Site Director

The following tasks are to be completed as soon as possible:

-All staff members must be armed at all times. *Anyone with questions about the operation of their firearm can ask for assistance from guards or Mobile Task Force personnel.

-The walls and trenches around the Site must be repaired within the next 4 days.

-All SCPs in the light containment zone must be recontained in the following 2 days. *MTF Epsilon 11 will assist in the operation.

-The cleanup of the Site will begin as soon as the light containment zone no longer poses a threat.

-STF-Gamma-18 "Counter Fire" will be assembled to patrol the area around the Site and repel hostile attacks in the future. *The task force will include our single M1 Abrams MBT, two armored personnel carriers, and 20 soldiers who will be trained from guards in the next 10 days.

-MTF-Omega-26 "Hidden Eyes" will be assembled to recon the changed terrain around the Site and inform STF-Gamma-18 about incoming threats or SCPs on the loose. This task force will also gain intel about new Groups of Interests. *The task force will be comprised of a sniper and spotter trained from guards in the next 14 days.

-Guards will randomly check staff identities to prevent possible infiltrations by enemy forces. *This includes the identity of other guards and mobile task force operatives as well. A central database will be set-up


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