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Dr.White was surrounded by darkness. The only thing he saw was a man dressed in a cold war era business suit. The man approached him.

Unknown Man: You look afraid. Don't be afraid. This is a dream. The last dream you may ever have, for nightmares are coming.

Dr.White suddenly woke up in a wooden cabin in the middle of a forest. The cabin was very dilapidated. As he looked out the window he saw lava everywhere and there was thick smoke in the air. He walked to the door and opened it.

He felt very weak, but he saw a road going somewhere so he decided to keep walking that way. The place was very hot. He suddenly saw movement in the trees.

Dr.White: Hello? Anyone here? Erik?

He received no answer. He kept walking, he felt pressure in his chest. He saw a flashlight on a tree stump nearby. He picked it up and turned it on. He heard noises from behind a tree and decided to find out who or rather what made the sounds. 

He walked towards the tree and then leaned closer, but nothing was there.

Dr.White: Hey, stop pranking me. Come out and help me get back to the Site.

Dr.White began to feel anxious. Something was definitely off. He didn't know what though. He kept walking and the cabin slowly disappeared behind him. 

Dr.White: Alright, I had enough, what is going on? Erik? Are you pranking me again? 

He felt more and more anxious. He slowly began to feel fear and confusion. His flashlight began to blink. His breathing speeded up and his heart was racing.

He kept walking toward the unknown goal. 

Dr.White: Guys? Please. Stop this. I'm not feeling too well. Let's go home.

He saw a lava river crossing the path. There was a single wooden plank lying on the ground nearby. He decided to put it over the flowing lava and get through.

"Alright. I'm doing this... Easy now."

He stepped on the plank which made cracking sounds but held. The lava was really hot. It was burning his feet and hands. As he balanced, he heard a baby's cry from a nearby shack.

He went even closer and the pressure in his chest slowly turned into a sharp pain. His breaths became shallow. Breathing became harder every second.

He felt exhausted but kept walking forward.

Dr.White: Hello? I need some help here... Anyone?

He unbuttoned his lab coat and found a large wound on his chest. It wasn't bleeding, it was just there. The pain came from here, and it was getting stronger and stronger.

Suddenly he spotted a pair of blood-red eyes looking at him from behind some trees. He began to run. He tried to outpace the monster, but it was always faster than him. 

Dr.White: No! Get away from me! Leave me alone! You hearin' me!? I've got a gun!"

Dr.White obviously lied about having a gun, but he tried everything to get the monster to leave him alone. 

He kept running but his feet became numb and he fell onto the ground. As the darkness around him came closer, so did the monster.

Dr.White: Don't come any closer! 

He picked up a branch from the ground and prepared to use it as a last resort weapon. He crawled backward until he hit a tree. There he found a polaroid picture of M4 and Erik as they are trying to resuscitate a man. He didn't know who the man was, but he felt like he knew him. People were standing around them, some had weapons while some had medical items with them.

He started to get numb everywhere, and he felt his heart slowing down. The monster came closer and closer. Dr.White threw the branch at it, but it passed through it. The monster became even more irritated.

Dr.White tried to crawl away from the monster, but he couldn't. He found another polaroid picture on the ground. In the picture, Erik was readying a syringe filled with epinephrine.

The monster was arm's length away. Dr.White felt his heart stop beating, and the wound on his chest started to get ice cold.

He tried to scream, but he couldn't breathe. He felt dizzy and the world started to fade.

Then he heard a sound that came from all directions.

Erik: NOW!

His heart suddenly felt insanely hot. When his vision returned the man who he saw not long ago, was standing in front of him again.

Unknown Man:

 I wouldn't want to wake up, but unfortunately, you must.

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