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The next day after the repelled attack M4 was preparing her gear to fly back to G&K as her support mission ended. Her commander didn't tell her when she needed to go back, but she assumed it wouldn't be so long.

M4A1: Sisters, are you ready? We are leaving soon. Does anyone know when the helicopter comes?

M16: No idea but I heard something fishy is going on in the background.

SOP: I love fish! 

AR15: Not that kind, SOP.

SOP: Ahhh... 

M4A1: What do you mean M16?

M16: Rumors are going on that G&K is doing some kind of business with this "Foundation" thing...

RO635: And?

M16: This has to do something with it...

The tent's door opened and Dr.White and Dr.Erik Rausch stepped in carrying a lot of stuff with them. Some of the things were falling on the ground while the girls looked curious about the boxes which had SCP insignias on them.

M4A1: Doctor, do you need any help? Here, you've dropped this.

She placed back a keycard into the box that Dr.White carried.

M16: Now this is even weirder. What are you doing?

She received no answer, then suddenly Dr.White dropped the box onto the table nearby, pulled out the brand new level 3 keycards, counted them, and began to walk around the room. He stopped at every girl and put one into their hands.

M4A1: Doctor, what are you doing?

M16: Enough playing, tell us what's going on! 

Dr.White pulled out some sticky patches from his box, which also had an SCP logo printed on them, and slapped them on the T-Dolls one by one. M16 tried to scratch it off but the glue was too strong.

M16: What is this!? Get it off! We are not working for you.

Dr.White: Congratulations AR Team! You are now officially SCP agents. Those are your keycards so you can now move through the facility at ease.

SOP: Oooooh! So that was the fishy thing...

Erik: James made a deal with your creator Persica and who sold you to us. Of course at quite a hefty price...

M4A1: So I'm working for you now, James? Uh, I'm sorry... I mean Doctor...

Dr.White: Yes, and that goes for all of you. I hope you like your new job and best of luck to all of you.

SOP: So we are not going home...

M4A1: It's not so bad here, SOP. I know you'll find yourself some fun.

M16: I can't believe this! We were sold just like that!? You are lying!

Dr.White pulled out a piece of paper signed by multiple parties and handed it over to M16. The AR team checked their databases for the digital copy of the paper. They found all the paperwork to be valid which meant the paper was also real and now they belong to the Foundation.

Dr.White: Good! Now, we'll take a tour around the Site and I will show you the most important anomalies, and after that, our engineers will install some special modules for all of you.

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