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Dr. White was in his office reading through a newspaper. It was lunch break, but he wasn't hungry. He was thinking about the new SCP they've just brought in. It was some kind of strange device. It looked like a cube, but it was floating. 

Why? Why is it floating? Why is it emitting a buzzing sound? What's the meaning of this?

He heard someone knock on the door and then a guard came in.

Guard: Dr. White, you will be needed in 15 minutes. O5 wants you to check on the floating cube we've brought in a day ago.

Dr.White: Okay, thank you for telling me. I'll be there in a few minutes. Until then, put the cube into one of the testing chambers. Also prepare a few reality anchors. I suspect that thing is a reality warper.

Guard: Got it, sir. Anything else?

Dr.White: No, thank you. 

The guard closed the door and left. His footsteps echoed through the corridors for some time, but eventually, it was quiet again. 

Dr.White put the newspaper on the table and grabbed his laptop. He put it in his backpack and began walking down the corridors of the facility. He began thinking. 

"Hmm. I've seen a lot of SCPs in my life, but none of them were like this. It must have a higher purpose. There are markings on the cube. It can't be a coincidence."

However, he couldn't think for long as he arrived at the testing chamber where two guards were already waiting for him.

Guard 1: Ah, Dr.White! Nice to see you. The chamber is ready.

Guard 2: Also if you need anything else like a class D, we'll bring it in. 

Dr.White: No need for that guys. This time, I'm going to test it.

Guard 2: Sir, do I have to remind you that it would be reckless to get into contact with anomalies as a high-ranking person in the foundation?

Dr.White: No need for a Class D, okay? I know what I'm doing.

Guard 1: Are you sure Doctor? Don't get yourself killed.

Dr.White: There won't be any problems, trust me.

The guards stepped aside and White walked toward the containment chamber doors. 

He stood there for a moment before the door operator checked his ID and began opening the door. 

The red lights lit up, and the door opened. White stepped in and the doors slowly began closing behind him. He heard the voice of the guard outside saying something, but he didn't listen. His eyes were fixated on the floating cube in a glass container.

He stepped closer as the glass container opened and felt a sudden urge to move closer. He took another step. And another. And the next. 

He suddenly found himself a few steps away from the cube. It was pulling him. It wasn't a physical pull. He was dragged in mentally. He tried to slowly back away, but he couldn't.

"Ok, this is a big problem now."

A guard entered the room and pulled him away from the cube without looking at it.

Guard: Dr.White, what are you doing?! 

Dr.White: Uh, I think this cube has some kind of memetic hazard in it.

Guard: Well, be careful. I won't pull you back next time.

Dr.White: Okay, sorry about that.

White stepped into the chamber again. 

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