We're going home!

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What does it mean? 

Is it just a place where you live or is it something else?

 Is it your family?

 Your birthplace? A person? An item? A pet?

 Can you become unworthy of your home? 

Dr.White closed the book he held in his hands and put it on the bookshelf. He used his time to read about philosophy because he knew that when they go home, he would be demoted to D Class. O5 won't let a mistake like this ever happen again.

"Alright... Time to do the disaster again, but this time in reverse!"

He drank his remaining cup of coffee and headed for the cube's containment chamber. He took the same route as the day the whole thing started but this time, he walked with real purpose.

He stepped into the chamber and here it was. The ominous cube was sitting there on the ground. The electromagnets were ready for the task and the hour came closer. The most important personnel were standing in the observation room, ready for the order.

Erik decided to speak with White for the last time through the intercom.

Erik: James, are you ready? There is no coming back from this.

Dr.White gave a thumbs up to Erik who pressed the button on the touchscreen. The buzzing of the electromagnets slowly dragged the cube closer but it got stuck on a support beam. Dr.White stepped closer and kicked the beam so hard that the thick metal pipe got bent.

"Move you piece of! Wow, Erik made a nice robotic leg. I didn't mean to kick it that hard. Well, at least it's a good thing that this leg is made out of aluminum... "

The cube flew into place and as expected it started to resonate.

Erik: Plug in your ears, everyone! It's gonna be loud!

Erik set the electromagnet frequency to that was used when the accident happened and the cube started to spin.

Dr.White sat down on the ground and prepared for the thing.

The cube started to glow and the time came.

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