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Chapter 17


I take her hand and lead her to where I set up a small picnic earlier that day. "Austin it's beautiful!" Amber says. I smile and kiss her hand again before letting it go. We both sit down on the soft blanket and I realized I forgot the basket. "Be right back baby" I say jogging to my car. I grab the basket and jog back. "Here ya go beautiful" I say. Her face turns a slight shade of pink. She's so beautiful when she blushes, she thinks its annoying though. I pull out two containers of pasta that I also made earlier. I hand Amber one along with a fork. "Thanks babe, I'm so glad that you cook for me" I smile and wink "I'd do anything for you baby girl. " I knew I would make her blush by saying that. When Ambers done I pull her over to me. She sits in my lap and I wrap my arms around her. She puts her head against my shoulder. I lay back, still holding her and she comes down to the ground with me. "Aren't the stars beautiful?" I whisper in her ear with a little more hot breath than what was needed. I just wish she wouldn't have to worry. I mean if it isn't James, it's people at school. She wasn't the skinniest girl but she wasn't fat. She had very sexy curves that I wish I could just caress. Lets face it skinny girls were just flat, no boobs no curves no ass. I love Amber, and that's all that matters. I actually have no idea how long we stayed like this. "Are you awake baby?" I ask her. She doesn't say anything so I gently sit up supporting her lower back. I stand up holding her bridal style. I slowly walk us back to the car and put her in the backseat. I run back to collect the picnic things. I put them in the trunk and gently close it so she won't wake up. I start the car and drive us home. When we get there I unlock the house then bring her up to my bed. I tuck her in and go downstairs to lock the door. I plop myself down on the couch, and watch hockey. I can hear footsteps coming down the stairs. Amber suddenly appears in front of me with some tears in her eyes. "Baby what's wrong? What happened..?" I ask her suddenly very concerned. "I feel l Ike I'm a five year old but I had another dream about James" she answers. I gently grab her waist and pull he into my lap. "It's okay" I feel the rage of what he did to her boil up again. "I won't ever let him touch you again baby it's okay" I coo.


My eyes shoot open while tears are streaming down my cheeks. I realize I'm in Austin's room. He must've brought me home. Then suddenly the dream I just had comes rushing back. James found me and killed Austin. I would never tell Austin about the part where he died. I look around and realize he is downstairs watching tv. I slowly walk down and see him there. I walk in front of him and he takes me into his arms. I tell him a little bit about the dream. He tells me everything will be okay but I just want to go home. Thank god were going to the cabin tomorrow. When I wake up I realize that Austin and I are still on the couch cuddling. I try my best to get up without waking him. He stirs and try's to pull me closer to him. I deny the hand, and warmth/comfort of his body and go over to the bathroom. I quietly open the door and brush out my hair. I grab my makeup bag and pull out my eye shadow. I put some medium brown eyeshadow on and then do my eyeliner. I put a small amount of lipgloss on and go upstairs to get dressed. By now I think Austin is up. I hear a loud bang and run back downstairs. I see Austin laying motionless on the ground. James is right beside him with a lamp.

Chapter 18


Once again my eyes shoot open and I find myself in Austin's lap. "It's okay baby, you had another nightmare." I can't stop crying. I swear it was real. Should I tell him what happened?"y-you j-James he he..." "It okay baby what is it?" Austin asks. "James k-killed you, in my dream." I feel Austin hug me tighter. "It okay, he can't kill me princess". He continues to stroke my hair. "Let's go pack for the trip okay?" I nod. I walk up the stairs to where my suitcase is. I pick it up and start stuffing my clothes in. I go over to the bathroom and grab my shampoo, hairbrush, toothbrush,toothpaste,ect. I can hear Austin come into the room. He slides an arm around my waist. "Why do you always have to seduce me?" He purrs into my ear. "I'm not even trying" I whisper smoothly in his ear while running my finger lightly up his back. "now you are" he laughs. "Let me go I need to pack" he unwraps his arms from me "fine." He says frowning. I suddenly remember that James kidnapped me. "Austin? What did you tell my parents?" I ask hesitantly. "I told them that you were missing, and I called your dad the first night you were home." I nod. "Why didn't they come see me?" "They didn't know when too that's why we're going to the cabin" I nod and finish packing. Austin carries my stuff out to the car I get in and buckle up. "You didn't peak in the bags right?" I ask him. "No? Why?" I laugh "your present is in there silly" he makes an O shape with his mouth. After an awkward 30 minute drive we arrive at the cabin. I see my dad hauling wood in and I jump out of the car and run to him. "Daddy!" I yell while he turns to me dropping the wood. He picks me up and spins me around. "I missed you" I say hugging him while he still holds me to him. "I missed you too princess" he says kissing the top of my head. I notice Austin waiting awkwardly over to the side. "Come here son" my dad says gently putting me down. He pulls Austin into a big hug. "Thank you for watching out for her" he says. I could hear the sincerity in his voice. Austin looked over to me when my dad let go. "I would honestly do anything for her doesn't matter what" he said smiling still looking at me. I could feel my cheeks heating up. "I'm going inside now" I announce I can hear them chuckle. I grab my two bags and go inside. "Mom?" I call out. "Amber!" She squeals coming from the kitchen hugging me. "I'm so happy you're okay!" She said hugging me again. "Me too mom" she looks at me. "Did you tell the police or anything?". I shake my head no. "We couldn't because Austin... He uh.." "Hit him a few times?" My mom questions. I nod not really knowing what to say. "You know he would never hit me right mom?" I ask. She laughs "oh god Amber I think he would beat himself if he ever hit you" I laugh. "I just don't want him to have to protect me mom, I love him, what if he gets hurt?" "You really like him don't you?" I nod. "I don't think you know how much he loves you if he would do that for you" "thanks mom" I say squeezing her again. She helps me with my bags down to my room that I used to stay in when we came here when I was little. "We got a queen bed for you two" she said gesturing to the bed against the wall. "Thanks mom" "no problem" she says. I look down the hall to see Austin and dad bringing in more wood. "Hey Austin" my mom says cheerfully. "Hi Mrs.March." He says. "Tina." She says . "Okay hi Tina." Austin says she smiles and goes back to the kitchen. "Our rooms down here babe" I say leading Austin down to our room. When we were standing in the room he closed the door. "So after Christmas break there is a winter prom, and Im wondering if you want to go with me?" Austin asks me. "Ohmygosh yes of course!!" I squeal. He laughs, picks me up an spins me. My mom knocks a d opens the door. "What's up with all the noise?" I laugh "Austin asked me to prom!" My mom smiles "that's great dinner will be ready soon!'' I nod and hug Austin again. I braid my hair so it'll be out of my face for dinner. Austin and I walk out into the kitchen and sit at the small table. I hear a car outside. "Who's here daddy?" I ask with a question mark look. "It's probably one of the neighbors I'll go look" I nod. "It's for you Amber!" My dad calls. I walk over and see a guy with his back too me. He turns around. "JACK!" I squeal running right towards him. "Hey gorgeous" he says spinning me around. I giggle. "Dad you never said jack was coming!" I say looking at my dad. "It wouldn't have been a surprise" I laugh. I can see Austin standing in the kitchen door frame. "Ooh" I pull Jack over to Austin. "Jack this is my boyfriend Austin, Austin this is my brother Jack"

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