Chapter 2- Stuck

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The avengers thought it would be best to bring her in on a day where she didn't need to 'eat', so the next day the avengers swarmed her house. Black widow had the best aim so she shot Her through the window, moments later the girl falls to the ground asleep. Clearly she was not expecting any one to be hunting her with how care free she acted and how nothing in the house was hidden or locked, not to mention all the photographs which meant she'd been here awhile and the towns folk only just found out about the murders recently.

Widow alerts the team and they go in to collect her. Up close they see how small she is compared to when she is in her other form, she looked a lot more fragile, more innocent. If they didn't see her transform into a wendigo they wouldn't have thought such an innocent looking girl could be responsible for over 50 people's deaths, possibly more considering how little she leaves behind for evidence. Steve carried the small girl in his arms to the jet. To their surprise she slept throughout the whole ride back to New York, once at the tower she is placed in a holding cell beside Loki. "Cheer up Brother you have a cell mate!" Thor's voice booms as per usual. Loki scowls and looks over at the small girl sleeping, "Why is there a small Midgardian asleep in a cell? What could that small thing even do to be locked up?" Thor laughs "You'll see brother." With that Thor leaves Loki with more questions than answers.

Thanks to the team using strong sedatives the young girl only wakes up a day later, she is only slightly disorientated before she realises she is trapped. After screaming and banging on the glass to be let out she gives up and pulls her legs up to her chest and whimpers quietly. A couple hours later she calms down and tries to distract herself by singing. Loki is awoken by said girls singing, it's was nothing special to her, simply an old folklore of the town she grew up in but Loki was surprised by it and found himself interested in the origins of the unusual song.

He watches the small girl finish her song before clapping slowly, only slightly impressed. She quickly turns to face Loki, "For a Midgardian your not all that bad at singing." She tilts her head and crawls over to the edge of her cell. Her voice sounded just as angelic as when she sang "What's a Midgardian?" Loki sighs and explains. "Oh, I see. So you're the god of mischief and lies? And your in here for trying to take over New York?" He nods, "Cool!" She giggles, her eyes glowing slightly. "What's up with your eyes?" She turns to the side where she can see her reflection through the glass "Oh my eyes glowing, it kinda happens when I get excited. It's a wendigo thing." He closes his book that he was immersed in "Did you just say wendigo?" She nods "As in the demon?" The girl giggles "You know your stuff!"

Silence lingers through the room for a minute "Wendigo girl...I never got your name." She scratches the back of her neck "I'm sorry bout that. I'm River Andrea Young." She gives a big toothy grin. Seems like the two of them will get along just fine...


"So far no changes in her behavior after waking up, she is unusually calm though. She also seems to be getting along with Loki- that won't end well" Tony reads from his computer then turns to Thor "Could we let her eat him?" Thor shakes his head "Worth a shot" He shrugs and spins back around on his chair to face his computer again. The room is silent until Steve speaks up, "So anyone thought of how we're going to feed her?" Everyone turns to Fury and Tony. "None of us thought this far ahead." He smacks himself in the face and grumbles "What about the morgue?" Nat suggests, "We could ask for a fresh corpse I guess...The things I do" He sighs and shoos everyone out of the lab.

God- THE Tony Stark is having to contact morgues to have fresh corpses delivered to his tower so some cannibal can eat so they don't go on a rampage! Of all places she was brought, a city! Not just any city, New York! The largest and most populated one they could of probably brought a cannibal to! Who's idea was this cause it certainly wasn't Stark's.

Word count: 778

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