Chapter 16- love birds

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After the initial kiss and saying he wanted to court me, Loki made no moves. No kisses or extra touches, we just acted like normal. It was really confusing. Maybe I was still in a dream or something and imagined he said that he wanted to court me. Then again, we are more focused on my physical therapy and getting me back into the swing of things. Still! I will take anything at this point just to prove to myself I haven't lost it and got some weird crush on Loki. I have a crush on Loki? I want him to kiss me? I HAVE NO EXPERIENCE

Loki brought me into the 'bachelor pad' or whatever Tony called it and left to go talk to Bruce about something. Luckily it was just me, Wanda and Nat (who was in the kitchen area). "Wanda! You can differentiate between reality and dreams yeah?" She looks up from her book on the couch confused and nods. "Can you do your magic stuff and make sure the kiss and courting was real?" She nods again way more interested. "It was real alright! But can we go back for a second...Loki asked you out?!" Wanda almost squeals, I understand she was happy but my ears on the other hand weren't. "Uhh yeah?" Nat sits down beside Wanda after locking  my wheelchair in place. Well shit...

"When did this happen? Is he threatening you? I'd he treating you right?" Nat goes full mother hen mode and her hand hovers over her pistol holster. "He's treating me just fine! It's just...I just thought it was a dream, like no way it could be real! Plus our dynamic hasn't really changed within the week? I thought there would be maybe a peck on the cheek at least. Maybe I'm moving too fast though.." I shrink back on myself, realising I could be put pressure on him by forcing him to act differently, or be more affectionate. Nat places her hands either side of my wheelchair and stares at me intently. "River, have you not noticed how he looks at you? The only time he leaves your side is when you bathe, do your business, do physical therapy or want some girl time? Plus you two act like an old married couple already! All you'd have to do is add on the kissing and boom old married couple." I laugh at Nat, she smiles softly before letting go and unlocking my wheels again. "Now, go tell your man your issues." I roll my eyes playfully before grabbing a hold of my wheels. "Thanks you two." Nat waves me off.

"Loki!" I call out as I enter the gym, knowing he would be here as I usually have a long girl talk at this time. Although I don't think they mind our little gossip session has been shortened a bit. In an instant the sound of a treadmill stops and Loki calls out my name sounding confused. "River? River! What's wrong? Why aren't you talking with widow and the witch?" He fusses me and I sigh then take his hands in mine. "I am good. They are fine. I just wanted to talk to you for a bit, they don't mind that I'm missing our gossip session." He hums softly and kisses my hand. "Why don't we go back to your room for some privacy?" I say softly, trying to ignore the very obvious stares from Steve.


"Why don't you shower before we have this talk? It might take a little bit and I doubt that will be comfortable." He looks down at his shirt and notices the slight wet patches then nods. "Don't worry about me, I can pull myself onto the bed. I can walk- kinda." He laughs then walks off to the bathroom for a shower, I on the other hand wheel my way over to the bed and stand up wobblily before falling onto the bed with absolutely no grace. Well, at least Loki didn't see. I sigh and roll over onto my back and look at the ceiling. "Just a couple more days...Then i'll be running again." It felt like I was reassuring myself more than being a simple statement.

After a couple minutes Loki walks out looking as handsome as ever, he was wearing black sweatpants and was gently towel drying his hair. God what eye candy. I must've been drooling or something because he has such an evil grin when he looks up at me. I pat the space beside me and he sits. "So, What did you want to talk about?"

"Can I kiss you?!" I shut my mouth the second I say...yell that. He looks at me dumbfounded and I internally groan. "So I thought maybe I was imagining that we were going out because not much changed in our dynamic but then the girls said I should speak to you and be honest. But I think I was a bit more honest than I wanted to be." I scrambled about trying to justify yelling 'kiss me' but everything just sounded so dumb when I actually said it. A sudden laugh broke me out of the little tangent I went on. Loki was laughing so hard that he was holding his stomach whilst he still tries to muffle his laughter.

When his laughter eventually quietens down he sighs softly and places his hands either side of my head before pulling me into a soft, gentle yet toe curling kiss. It must've only lasted like 10 seconds but god, it felt like the world stopped whilst we kissed. We pulled apart and stared at one another, his green eyes stared into my brown eyes. " more time?" He hums and kisses me once more, this time a little rougher, maybe a little more rushed too. I wrap my arms around his neck and he gently pushes me down onto the bed. "For your comfort." He says curtly before he resumes kissing me. I don't know how long we were kissing for but by the end my shaky legs were wrapped around his waist and one of his arms was under my back whilst he rested on his elbow. He was kissing me all over the place, my lips, neck, collar, and hands every once and awhile. It felt amazing. There were no other words for it, or maybe that's because my mind was going blank.

"You feel better now?" He says, now both hands were beside my head and he was staring down at me with a very smug grin. I roll my eyes and beckon him closer. He slowly and cautiously leans down. "OW!" I laugh and let myself fall back onto the bed. He holds a section of his neck and looks at me shocked. "I never promised I wouldn't bite you smug little bastard." He laughs and leans back down for one final kiss.

A/n: sorry it's been awhile! I'm not dead or anything it's just been hard to write this. I've just gotten over my break up so it's been hard to write romances. Anyway see you guys, gals and non-binary pals, in the next chapter!

Word count: 1208

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