Chapter 17- the calm after the storm

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No one's POV:

It was a quiet day for the avengers, no call outs, no one trying to take over the world, no meetings and no dumb bets. Even Tony was relaxing, which I don't think half the team has ever seen before. River was in a tangled mess which consisted of, Loki, Peter, thor, and funnily enough, Bucky. Everyone was talking to everyone about something or another. Loki was talking to thor about food or wine, Bucky was quietly listening between both conversations and river and Peter were showing off to each other. Peter was showing his webs and what they're made off, "are they fire proof?" Peter thought for a moment, "kinda, I mean I know they're electric proof but fire is a bit 50/50. The webs last about 1 minute before the fire causes them to snap. I tried making them thicker but that just makes the web shooter blockier and more noticeable." River hums, not quite sure what to say. "What about adding the stuff they add to fire proof thread or just add the thread? Or would that not work.." River said, drifting off into silence thinking her idea was dumb.

Peter shook his head and grinned, "why didn't I think of that?!" He yelled out excitedly. "Oh I can't wait to get into the lab later." River tilted her head and it must have been obvious that she was a little confused, "I only get 4 hours a day in the lab, plus I like our time together! Its always fun." The young avenger said brightly. They then began talking about something else, then they all joined into one big conversation and got into some silly debate. By the end no one could really remember why they were arguing but they did know they were having fun.

The elevator opens up and a couple people turn to see who it was, everyone's moods instantly soured when they realised it was Fury. You know when you find out you have to do a test and everyone groans at the same time; that's pretty much what happened. "Good to see everyone is being productive and making sure the two prisoners are being guarded properly." The pirate says blandly as he stares at the weird little cuddle pile going on as the others watch from afar. River was tempted to hiss, growl and snap at him but refrained from doing so since she's a proper lady.

"Uh huh, sure, we are all going to die. Now what do you want fury?" Tony says in his usual sarcastic tone as he continues to eat his very crunchy cereal. "Well, as a matter of fact the prisoners-" CRUNCH "are the ones who I want to-" CRUNCH " to." Fury pauses and stares at Tony as he continues to nonchalantly eat as if the crunch wasn't super loud and interrupting the man. Every single avenger in the room instantly knew what was going on and got ready to watch something entertaining go down.

"I thought these prisoners weren't allowed to speak in your they are no longer under your jurisdiction Director." Tony said with so much malice hidden behind his words. Fury looked ready to take the gun from his holster and shoot him but instead inhaled and exhaled sharply before speaking. "Whilst that is true, the moment they mess up again they will be under my jurisdiction and will go on missions again to regain any form of reward." CRUNCH  "Now if you'll excuse me, I have places to be." He glared one last time at Toby then  the storm left the tower and the avengers all let go of a breath they didn't even realise they were holding in.

Tony was worried that Fury would begin planning something now and the once relaxed room has now become rather tense and has an uncomfortable feel to the air. River rests her head on Loki's shoulder looking rather dejected whilst Bucky and Peter look at each other worriedly. It didn't take long for someone to try and brighten the room

"So....get shit faced?" Pietro says awkwardly, everyone bursts out laughing- even Nat let out a scoff like laugh and had a smile on her face. "Pietro it is 11:30 in the morning." Steve says in a disappointed tone. The speedy man simply shrugged and went straight to the cabinets before swinging them open and waiting for the others to either join or also shake their heads disapprovingly. "It's happy hour somewhere right now." River says whilst laughing and dragging Loki over to the liquor cabinet to join Pietro. Soon Thor, Clint, Sam, Tony, Wanda and Nat joined them. Bruce didn't want to drink anything strong in case he didn't have full control over himself or the hulk so he stuck to some weak alcohol whilst Peter wasn't allowed to drink yet. He stuck to caprisuns and juice boxes for now, but he didn't mind. He actually admitted to the avengers the time he accidentally drank some alcohol that he thought was juice and ended up quite literally crawling upside down on the walls for hours- he woke up hugging a pillow as he slept on the ceiling like it was normal.

The sun had begun to set by the time they had all emptied the cabinet. Tony wanted to get more and to continue drinking but Bruce and Peter hailed him off to bed whilst Thor helped Pietro and his sister to their rooms. Sam slinked himself off to bed at some point without most people noticing. Nat was drunk but could still function quite well so she ended up carrying Clint to the guest room where he usually stays before heading off to her own room. Once Thor came back he said his farewells and went to the elevator, presumably to bed. Now all that was left was a slightly drunk Loki and a shit-faced River.

"Come on darling. Bed time." River groans and stretches herself out on the couch. "NooooOoooOoo" Loki rolls his eyes and replies, "YeEeesSs" The god picks her up and she wraps her legs around his waist as he slung her arms over his shoulders loosely. " no no no~" Loki yet again rolls his eyes and laughs at her almost childish whine as she tried to weakly escape him and go back to hugging a bottle of liquor. "Come on now sweetheart. You are very drunk and you are going to regret drinking anymore. Now let's get washed up and ready for bed. How does that sound?" Nothing but a small grumble left her lips.

As soon as they returned to his room, loki placed her onto the bed so he could brush his teeth, wash his face and change into something more appropriate to sleep in. When he returned he found River curled up hugging a pillow whilst drooling slightly. He sighed fondly and picked her up, her body was basically limp in his arms, but he endured and brought her to the bathroom and placed her on top of the closed toilet seat. "Wake up a little bit my dear, you need to brush your teeth. They've got to be strong to tear through flesh now doesn't it?" He asked brushing some hair out of the way before she hums and gives a big wide grin. This allows him his chance to start brushing. It only lasted a minute but for tonight it will do. She spat the toothpaste into the sink and put half her face under the water to try and rinse her mouth out. The god tried hard not to laugh at her, he really did, but alas ultimately failed. He composed himself before drying her face and picking her up again.

"River, my dear, you need to let go." She grumbled at him in return; he was bent over the bed and wasn't holding onto her at all. She was dangling off of his chest all by her own drunken strength. "I guess we're both going to go turn the lights off then." He wrapped his arms around her again and walked barely two metres away from the bed to turn off the light, then the couple returned to the bed. As soon as loki laid on his back River let go of him and climb right on top of him, sighed then her body went completely limp. He looked  at her shocked for a moment before giving up and covering them both with the blanket and closing his eyes. "Good night my love." Was the final thing the mischievous god said before kissing her forehead and closing his eyes.

A/n: sorry guys I know I haven't updated this least like 5 months but a lot happened and honestly the motivation to right a romance left me. But as promised the story will continue even if it might be slow so please be patient! Fortunately for me there is only a couple more chapters planned so it shouldn't take too long for me to write but life is unpredictable. See you guys in the next chapter! I hope you enjoyed 😊

Word count: 1535

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