Chaoter 19- shenanigans and the end

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River's POV:

"Darlin', I know you're tired after...last night but I need you awake for a bit." A soft caring voice says to me in my half asleep daze. I hum in return and lift my head towards the voice without opening my eyes. "Yes, the world is so bright." He chuckles, wiping my eyes in encouragement for me to open them.

It took me a minute but now did it and the smile that welcomed me was worth waking up at whatever god awful hour this was. "Mornin'" I smile and hug him close, he returns the hug tight and sighs contently into my shoulder.

"I need to go." He says as he straightens himself up; that's when I notice that he has his 'hero suit' on. I whine and try to drag him back into the bed with me, thinking that I could maybe trap him in bed so he wouldn't go on another mission that could potentially hurt him. Unfortunately he saw right through me and unlatched his arm from my grip. "I'll be back in a few hours- Peter, Bruce and Thor will be here with you as well so you won't be lonely. For now, though, try to get a couple more hours rest." He says as he covers me with our thick comfy blankets. I hum and turn my head to the side, knowing what I want he leans down to kiss my cheek but he doesn't stop there. He kisses my forehead, nose and then lips before he stands up and walks to the door. He turns the bedroom light off before muttering a quiet goodbye and closing the door.

Of course I'm worried but at the moment sleep is more important, so just as quickly as I woke up, I fell back asleep in the now empty feeling bed. When I wake up again it's much brighter outside and that lonely, cold feeling quickly returned. I sighed and peered over at Loki's side of the bed. "I'll just shower or something to take my mind off..." I grumble, slinking out of the comfortable sheets that have a mixed scent of myself and Loki, and make my way towards the bathroom to shower.

Drying my hair afterwards felt tedious but not wanting to get sick encouraged me to not just climb back in bed and get the sheets wet. I then get dressed into a simple hoodie that was fluffy on the inside and a pair of leggings. I found some uggs that I have never worn outside and put them out before I decided it was time to socialise a bit.

When I get to our usual lounge about spot I notice Peter and Thor playing what I think is jenga but also monopoly. "What the..." I mumble confused. Peter looks up and smiles brightly at me, way too happy for a teen, "we're playing monopoly but as well as having to give money every time you land on someone's property you also have to move a jenga piece and if you make it fall the game ends there and you count the money!" He rambled explaining this much too complicated version of monopoly. "That's uh..great kiddo" I chuckle albeit awkwardly.

"Wanna play?" He asks giving those giant puppy dog eyes whilst Thor watches contently as he counts his money. "Nah. I think I'll just watch. I'm tired after last night.." I mumble the last part but I forgot everyone in the building is superhuman or a god so my comment was quickly heard and processed. "What did you do last night that's got you so tired?"

Oh the innocence. I grimace and throw myself onto the couch with a sigh, ignoring my stiff hips and aching back. "Don't's fine" I say very eloquently with my face in the cushions.

Peter just shrugs whilst Thor smirks subtly and they continue their game. An hour later Bruce comes up from the lab and starts watching the game as well. Then piped up and suggests another rule, anytime you go to jail and until you leave you have to move a jenga piece as well as only being allowed to leave jail if you roll a 1. It was pure madness.

I witnessed friendships be made and destroyed in an hour long game of cursed monopoly that should have never existed. But hey- at least it got my mind off things and made me laugh. And also loose my trust in Bruce...that man is way too cunning to look that harmless.

"What on gods green earth is this nightmare you're playing?" I hear from behind me, it was Tony. That meant! I jump up from the couch and see Loki. I race over, practically on all fours, both me and my little wendigo checked him over for any injuries before we were satisfied and hugged him.

"Missed me that much already?" He chuckles, "didn't get enough last night, did you?" He then whispers. I sputter and try to find my words then quickly realise the room is silent. Slowly turning around I see Steve, Tony, Thor and Bucky all looking over at us with a mix of shock, smugness and disgust. The last one was mainly Tony but you get the overall picture.

"So uh..hehe.." I awkwardly laugh trying to find my words when out comes Wanda and Nat. "Good work river." "Bagged him" both of them giving me smug smiles and thumbs up.

If I didn't want to crawl into a hole before, now I did. "As disgusting and sweet as this is we need to do a little report before you continue with...all of that" Tony says whilst acting like he's going to be sick. I roll my eyes and sigh, then Loki leans down and kisses my cheek before he follows the group out to get that report done. And right before they exit the room Tony says a little parting statement, "I feel like I'm going to puke rainbows and sugar after that gross display of PDA"

I stare at the door as they leave then turn back to my small group. "Uh..." "so you and Mr Loki huh...that's why you're so tired?" Peter asks with a small smirk as he puts Thor in prison. Thor grumbles and picks up a jenga piece making the entire thing collapse. "Glad to know you and my brother are getting along so well. However I would rather not be aware of his...private life" Thor mumbles as he counts his small stack of Monopoly money.

"I hate all of you." I groan as I throw myself back on the couch. "That's not what you said last night~" A sudden voice says from behind me. I yelp and smack whoever it was. So...turns out it was Loki.

"Oh my- Loki are you okay?!" I ask panicked as he rubs his nose waving me dismissively with his other hand. "I'm fine. I'm fine. But uh, what going on down here?" He asks gesturing to the game. Peter quickly starts explaining the complex set of rules as he sits down beside me. "Aren't you meant to be de-briefing with the others?" I ask softly. In return all I got was a cocky grin before he picked a piece and began playing that awful cursed game.

I sigh and chuckle as they begin to play, even my little wendigo got involved. It was a sight to behold.

If you had asked me how I saw my future a year ago, I would've said alone or maybe dead. But this? Sat with a loving partner in a tower filled with people who care for me, even if they are playing a cursed version of monopoly, I wouldn't have believed you.

Yet I wouldn't change a thing.

A/n: I am so so so sorry it took so long to finish this story but I had writers block specifically for this story sadly. But I had the motivation and ideas to finish it! This was more of a silly story with a little drama than anything but I think it turned out alright. If you're reading this than thank you so much for being patient for this chapter to come out and again sorry it took so long. I hope you enjoyed! And maybe I'll see you're likes or comments in another story. Bye bye!

Word count: 1409

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