Chapter 15- awake and tired

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River's POV:

"Why did you chose me to be you're vessel?" I ask my wendigo, who's currently curled around me like a very large protective dog. They lift their head and look at me, "there was a couple reasons. Your soul seemed so pure and innocent, too innocent for this world. I could see your fate if you were to be left alone and I couldn't stand to see such a small creature lose their life to such a fate. Plus rather than been appetising to me you seemed really...what's the word....'cute'? Something made me want to protect you." I stroke their messy, thick fur and nod as they talk. "Well I wouldn't want my life any other way." After that we sit in silence again for awhile.

In the darkness there's nothing to do but talk, I can't sleep, I don't feel hunger and honestly it's kind of boring. I miss Loki and our dumb pranks. "How much longer little wendigo?" I ask softly. A distorted sound echoes through the darkness, it wasn't a hum but it wasn't quite a growl and it wasn't directed towards me either. Something echoes back and my little wendigo nods. "Just a little longer. Just a little." I nod and curl into their side, closing my eyes wishing that time would move faster. Just a bit longer. I can wait.


When I open my eyes again it's not dark, in fact it's quite bright, there's no quiet instead I hear a beeping sound and soft breathes. I reach up a hand to rub my eyes, there was something attached to me.

Once I open my eyes fully I see that I'm in a hospital room, or at least what looks like one, with an IV drop in one hand and someone else holding onto my other hand like their life depends on it. I look to my side and see Loki holding my hand securely in his whilst he sleeps. He's not in his usual asgardian outfit but rather a pair of joggers and a loose sweater, black and green though. His usual colours. I softly chuckle and lift my free hand to stroke his hair like usual.

Loki groans and moves my hand closer to him, "you've got to wake up my dear." He grumbles something then stops and looks up, resting his chin on the bed as if ready to go back to sleep. As soon as he sees me awake and looking at him, he shoots up and places his hands on either side of my face. "Y-you're awake? It's really you?!" I nod my head and place a hand on the side of his face, gently using my thumb to stroke his cheek. "Loki, have you been eating or sleeping? God how much have you been crying!" His laugh sounded slightly wet, looking up he had started crying. I wipe some of the tears away and hug him close.

"Only you would complain about how bad I look rather than care about you're own well being." We both laugh at his comment. "Well you do look kinda like shit." He looks up at me and leans forward slowly, his lips barely touch mine before he pulls away. "Is this what you wanted to tell me before the mission?" Loki looks away, with a slight blush, he nods. "I wanted to ask to court you. Though...this isn't the way I wanted to tell you." He grumbles and pouts, I laugh at how childish and almost adorable he looked.

"Well I think this is a pretty good time. You have no clue how long I've been curious to hear what you wanted to tell me. Actually, how long have I been asleep for?" He tucks some loose hair behind my ear and sighs. "Its been just over two weeks." I froze up slightly at that. It's been two weeks? I mean it could have been worse but still. Two weeks?

I don't want this to ever happen again, I look at Loki seriously and say, "I don't want to go on another dangerous or high risk mission ever again. The same goes for you. I don't want to put you through this again and I don't want you to get hurt either." He looks a little sad when I say this, "I don't know if that's possible. I have to help the avengers as part of my rehabilitation and they think you're dangerous... even though you are the sweetest creature I have ever met and the most beautiful women I have ever seen in my thousand or so years."

"AHEM. Sorry to interrupt love birds." We quickly turn to find Tony, Thor and Bruce all stood at the door awkwardly. "Your vitals spiked so we came to check on you, Thor came to check on this idiot and we happened to hear your little conversation just then. We'll figure something out but we can keep you two on low risk missions. Personally I would prefer to not worry about his ass when we might die cuz he might run off." Loki looked offended by that but didn't comment, I think he was more concerned about me at the moment.

After a small check up I was given some vitamins and a bowl of soup. "You'll be in a wheelchair for a week whilst we work on getting your strength back. No excessive exercise or movement. Take it easy this week. During the second week we can worry about getting your major movement back, like running, your strength and full transformation. That's another thing; only switch between your half form and this one for the next week." I nod and look at the floor then the wheelchair. "Can I at least go back to one of our rooms? I think I need a bath or something and maybe some food?" Bruce does one final check over before helping me into the wheelchair and into the elevator. My arms and legs felt so wobbly just trying to lower myself into the wheelchair. It was embarrassing.

By the time we get to my room and I'm left to my own devices I already felt like falling asleep again. "Loki can you go get someone to help. I don't think I have the strength right now." He nods and walks out of the room only to return with Natasha. "I heard you needed help?" I nod weakly at her, " bath?" I slur out, she nods and wheels me into the bathroom. To her credit she helps me undress, get in the bath, wash my hair and get me out to get dressed. "Thank you" she nods and leaves then calls Loki in.

"Do you feel better darling?" He asks, kneeling down to face me whilst cupping my cheek. I hum and lean into his cool touch. "Can uh..bed?" I say very intelligently. He chuckles and lifts me up onto the bed rather than the floating chair thingy, it's really large and comfortable to sleep in. "We can relax in there another day." I'm so tired that I'm talking out loud.

"Loki...will I be put back in...cage missions?" He hugs me tight and shakes his head. "No. I would never let anyone put you in that cage ever again. No matter if you do those missions or not. You have a choice." I'm not sure if he said anything else but that's the last thing I heard before I felt my eyes become to heavy and my vision turns to darkness. I wanted to stay awake and talk to him a bit more. I want to know about courting and why he even likes me in the first place.

Maybe we can talk tomorrow, "just sleep for now" a caring, soft voice says to me. I hum and let myself fully drift off.

A/n: I know I haven't posted in awhile but a lot has been going on and I haven't had much time to write. Finally I was able to write two chapters today! One from this story and one from another, I was able to finish that other story now! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and will stay tuned for the drama. Goodbye for now!

Word count: 1388

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