Chapter 7- Training

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No one's POV:

River wakes up in Loki's arms which she didn't mind, what she did mind was she couldn't wriggle her way out. So she had to wait for him to wake up. Once he finally did wake up he let go of her and they got ready to face the day, they ate breakfast and chatted until the team was called out to a mission. River was told to stay behind for this one as they hadn't trained her yet, so she went back to her room and remembered there were musical instruments there. She found herself playing piano for a long period of time before taking a break, which is when a violin catches her eye. She picks it up and starts singing,

Years ago
When I was younger
I kinda liked
A girl I knew
She was mine and we were sweethearts
That was then, but then it's true
I'm in love with a fairytale
Even though it hurts
'Cause I don't care if I lose my mind
I'm already cursed
Every day we started fighting
Every night we fell in love
No one else could make me sadder
But no one else could lift me high above
I don't know what I was doin'
But suddenly we fell apart
I cannot find her
But when I do
We'll get a brand new start
I'm in love with a fairytale
Even though it hurts
'Cause I don't care if I lose my mind
I'm already cursed
She's a fairytale


Even though it hurts

'Cause I don't care if I lose my mind

I'm already cursed

Alexander Rybak – Fairytale (LYRICS)

Rivers POV:

I didn't realise the team was back so by the time I finished the song a small round of applause begins. I turned to find, Steve and Loki, an odd combination but I didn't think too much of it. "What's up?" "We were thinking if bringing you to train with us for a bit, Nat and Bucky are already there." Well that explains the odd combination. I nod and follow close behind with Loki in tow. I only realise that I'm not wearing clothes fit to fight in, so Loki, being the absolute gem he is, conjures up some clothes for me to fight in. That earned him a hug.

No one's POV:

There are others already there training, in the middle is a square where Nat and Bucky are already fighting. Nat swipes under Bucky's legs and pins him down. "I give" Bucky almost shouts. "That's what I thought." Nat hops off of him and helps him up. "Hey River, you joining us?" Bucky grins, River sighs and ties her hair up in a low ponytail. "Sadly yes I am joining you." Nat gives River a hug an whispers "His left side is the weakest, and he hasn't got the best balance."  She grins and walks off to the side lines with Steve and Loki. "Okay, no weapons, human forms, hand to hand combat. The fight is over once one person gives up or is unable to continue fighting." Steve takes on the role of umpire. Bucky groans "Awe and here I thought I would be fighting a 15 foot cannibal." River giggles "Shame.." Steve blows a whistle that started the match.

River ran at Bucky going straight for his legs, she runs and glides under him taking him down. But he's quickly back on his feet and throwing punches to River's abdomen and face, which she is somehow blocking. The fight became a stalemate until River decided to let her eyes glow yellow and let out a low growl which surprised Bucky. River took advantage of this and kicked his left side, sending him to the side where she swiped under his feet again, finally she mounts his back pinning down his legs and not letting go of his arms until he shouts "I give!" River happily hops off and giggles innocently as if she didn't just beat an ex-assassin. "My turn next!" Nat is hysterical, "Good luck. You'll need it" Bucky pats River's shoulder before tapping out with Nat. River mumbles "I am soo dead."

Steve blew the whistle again. Just like River thought Nat had no openings, making it harder for her to pin point a weak spot. Nat kicked River dead centre in the stomach sending her backwards, she then races over and goes to punch her but River rolls over and gets into a defensive stance. "Not bad." Nat says cracking her neck. The fight was pretty much over by that point, Nat pretty much pummelled her. "Did I at least last longer than Bucky?" Nat turns to face River "Definitely" River takes that as a win and does a little victory dance.

"We will need to see how you perform as the wendigo." Steve huffs as he drags Bucky and Nat away from River. River scratches the back of her neck "Do you have a fresh corpse near by?" "no?" River shakes her head "Not happening then. The wendigo is motivated my food, even if I'm in control  that hunger will affect me meaning there's still a high chance I will try to attack or even eat you guys." Steve pulls out an old looking phone and makes a call to Tony asking for another body to be brought in as soon as possible. River sits on the side lines with Loki until said body turns up.  Once it does, Steve has River step up onto the square, River removes all clothes except her underwear "You ready buddy?" A small black blob with a skull forms on her shoulder and nods, soon her skin becomes that murky grey colour. Her bones crack and reform until she has fully come the wendigo. She sits down waiting for Bucky or Nat to step up, but the can't seems to decide so whilst waiting she crawls over to Loki. He is a little hesitant at first but soon hugs her and they place their heads against each other. River felt at ease although she was in the form of the wendigo, it was a nice feeling compared to the hunger she usually felt, maybe it was because she ate the other day.

Once Bucky stepped up to fight River glided over to him, she towered over him but he showed no signs of fear. Bucky nods and Steve blows the whistle. River raises her claws and knocks Bucky off his feet, he charges back at her. She runs at him but he slides under her and hops onto her back, it was like a rodeo. Bucky was trying to get River into a headlock but she was thrashing about so much that he ended up sliding off her back and is hanging onto her by the antlers. They stare at each other for a moment before she smirks and throws him off and out of the square into the wall. She felt proud of herself to say the least.

That's when Nat surprised her by running at her but last second deciding to drop kick River. She topples over and wriggles her way back onto all fours growling, Nat tilts her head and examines the wendigo before they clash again. The fight lasted for another minute before River held Nat by the ankle upside down, the problem was the wendigo's hunger took over and River was ready to eat Nat until Loki used his magic to freeze River in place. Nat wriggled her way out of the wendigo's grip and Loki unfreezes her. She speeds over to the corpse beside Steve with such speed that they needed a moment to realise she had left the square. They thought she had left until they heard the sound of her happily crunching on the corpse's bones. River was quick to finish her meal. She opened her jaw wide enough to swallow a whole leg without even chewing.

She returned to the humanoid with the wendigo body, she hums again and tries to calm herself enough to become human. She looks around the room awkwardly as she left her clothes on the other side of the training facility. "Umm can someone pass me my clothes?"

Word count: 1377

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