Chapter 12- new people

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No one's POV:

River drifts over to the edge of the pool and climbs out. She grabs her towel and dries her hair a little before looking over at the new faces, most looked ready to swim but a couple on the other hand just looked like they needed a good nights sleep. "Hi I'm Pietro Maximoff. Wanda's brother!" He smiles and winks whilst shaking River's hand. "Sorry for the late introduction I'm Clint Barton" He shakes River's hand with a soft smile. "I'm Bruce Banner. I've been here but I just haven't had the time to meet anyone. Just finished up a three week project." River smiles understandingly, "Don't worry about it." Then finally Peter comes out from behind the three men and introduces himself. "Hi I'm Peter, Peter Parker. Nice to meet you!" River giggled at his large amount of energy and shakes his hand. "It's nice to meet you all, I'm River Andrea Young."

The team start swimming or lounging about by the pool, simply having a fun time. Loki sits beside River although he doesn't really want to get in the water he's fine with dipping his feet. On the other side is Peter but he's in the water, hanging onto the edge of the pool chatting with River. "-I got bit by a radioactive spider and then boom Spiderman!" River claps her hands as she giggles "that's one way to become a superhero hehe. It's a cool back story Peter!" He blushes slightly and rubs the back of his neck. "No problem...By the way what's your power or thing? Are you human or an Asgardian like Loki and Thor?" River somehow calms Peter down from his rampage of questions enough to eventually answer him.

"I class myself as human. Ever heard of a wendigo?" He nods his head "The demons with the deer skull?" "Bingo!" Peter is left speechless, jaw wide open, the whole nine yards. River gently closes his mouth and chuckles "cool right?" Peter vigorously nods. Then pauses as something came to mind, "How are you so close to Loki? I don't think he likes me or anyone here all that much" River jabs a grumbling Loki in the side. "We met in the containment unit when I was brought in. I was there for a couple weeks with him, we spoke about all sorts to pass the time and then we were eventually both released.

Though there was an accident where I nearly ate Bucky cause the we got hungry. Thankfully I only hit his metal arm otherwise he would probably have a second metal arm right about now, the metal and oil was disgusting though." Bucky chirps in from across the pool, "Fond memories!" then Nat joins "Hey at least she only bit your metal arm! I was about to be swallowed whole!" The team bursts out laughing and River goes a deep shade of red.

Peter swims off for a bit to talk with Tony so Loki and River start chatting. "Why do you keep referring to the wendigo as another being? I understand you're human but isn't it a part of you?" She sighs and a small blob with a deer skull forms from her shoulder "Cause even though it doesn't have enough power to keep up it's own form by itself, when with me it has enough power to create a small form. This is who I talk to when I'm deciding a song to choose from." Loki nods and examines the small blob. "For something so cute and small to become a beast seems almost surreal if I hadn't seen it myself" River nods, agreeing with Loki and kicks her legs in the water, "Seems fair" With that the blob disappears and River slides into the water.

"Gonna join me?" Loki was hesitant but ended up giving in. "Just know I dislike water." River grabs his hands and pulls him in. "See not so bad?" That's when Thor decided to jump into the pool and splash everyone. "THOR!" Everyone yelled. Tony tossed some of them water guns and another water fight broke out.

"Oh this is gonna be fun!" River laughs in a slightly manic way, she tosses Loki a water gun and quickly shows him how to use it. They high five and start shooting water at anyone and everyone. It soon became like an actual battle was going on in the pool room.

-about 10 minutes later-

"Cover me Loki!" "Aye aye!" They spin around in the pool shooting water around and dodging everyone's attempts at shooting them.


Everyone froze in place. "Heeeyy Fury." Tony calls from the bar stool. "Just what is going on in here?" He asks, "water fight. Duh." River deadpans, it looked as if he popped a vein after hearing someone talk to him like that. The team froze then watched the man drag Tony off the bat stool and into another room. "This chick fears nothing!" Pietro laughs whilst slapping his leg. "He don't look like much, why would I fear him? Technically speaking I could kill everyone here if I really wanted to. Not that I am but you get my point." They nod understandingly, Pietro freezes up slightly and Peter seems even more impressed.

Word count: 881

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