Chapter 18- lessons have been learnt

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River's POV:

"Uuughh" I groan and roll over, burying myself further into the fluffy sheets and pillow. My head was killing me and I regret whatever I did last night.

A soft chuckle broke me out of the self-pity party that was happening. I slowly crack open my eyes and look over to Loki who is sat on the bed with a book in hand, looking down at me rather smugly. If I had the energy I would throw a pillow at him but instead I groaned again and burrowed into his side for the little warmth his body offered and hopefully some comfort.

In return he sighed playfully and pulled me up so I laid on top of him. He wrapped his arms around me and rested his cheek against my head, "I did warn you darling." He says trying hard to not laugh at me. I grumble something unintelligible and wrap my arms around his waist to get comfy. "Come on now, we don't have all day to mope around! Let's gets ready and do something a little more productive." I shake my head into his chest, "this is productive" he chuckles and picks me up without letting me argue anymore.

Next thing I know I can hear the bath running, Loki tried to sit me on the toilet seat but I stayed latched on until my arms hurt. Even afterwards I attached myself to his waist so he couldn't move. "Darling, I need to put the oils and scents into the bathtub for you." I shake my head and he sighs, yet again I'm in the air and he skilfully moves around the bathroom with me hanging off of him like a koala.

"Okay darling, the tub is ready for you. Do you think you could detach yourself from me so you can undress and bathe?" I shake my head as he places me on the toilet seat again, he places his hands on his hips and looks at me. Not quite glaring as the playful hint was there but it was enough to get my ass slightly into gear. Without another word I take off my shirt and shorts then my underwear. I then make my way into the tub and slide myself down into the warm water, letting out a sigh of relief once I'm in down to my shoulders. That's when I notice Loki still stood in the same position as when I started to undress. "uh, Loki? Hun you doing alright?" He turns to me slowly and nods his head before he starts to walk away.

The bathroom door nearly slammed once he left. To say I was confused was an understatement. I'll ask him once I finish soaking.

-on the other side of the door-
Loki's POV:

I pace the width of the bedroom, trying to clear my mind and all the impure thoughts slithering their way in. "Maybe she's just really comfortable with me...she must have realised I was still looking and that I hadn't had a chance to turn around yet?" I mumble as my pace quickens slightly, my mind spiralling.

"What if she was comfortable because she doesn't see me as a man?" I pause in place then shake my head, "No that would be ridiculous, we wouldn't be courting otherwise..." I nod my head then sit down on the edge of the bed, using both hands to cover my face to try and think.

"GOOD GOD!" I hear River yell from the bathroom, followed by a squeak sound and a loud thud. That quickly snapped me out of whatever state I was in and I rushed into the bathroom to see if she was okay. "RIVER?" I call out, she groans in response and I look upon quite a scene. There was a rather large puddle of water and some bubbles that were on the floor around her whilst a towel loosely hugs her frame as she hugs the closed toilet bowl. "Soft landing?" I ask grinning. River scoffs and slowly stands up.

I quickly move to her side to help stabilise her and once she stood up most of her weight was on me. "Care to explain?" I say obviously failing to stifle my laughter. She rolls her eyes playfully at me before explaining that she tried to get out of the bath but some of the oils mixed with the water made her slip and then it was a fight against gravity.

We exit the bathroom and she quickly drops her towel in favour of getting front of me...again...

I sit on the bed and look at the ground trying to keep my mind and body calm. Once I assume she's finished getting dressed she sits beside me and rests her head on my shoulder. "You doing alright hun?" She asks, placing her hand on my cheek and gently guiding my face up to look at her. "Yeah-'ve been stripping a lot around me lately before I can look away..." I sigh and look her dead in the eye, ".look my patience will only last so long- I am not a strong man my darling." It took her a moment but when she understood I could feel a slight temperature change and she looked away then down.

After a few moments of silence she looks at me whilst she absentmindedly twirls some of her lovely hair around her finger and in an almost breathless voice she mumbles, "I wouldn't mind you losing your patience.."

To helheim with being productive....

"Come here..." I pull her onto my lap and feel the last bit of patience and rationality snap. "Just so you know, once I start it'll be hard to stop myself from devouring you." I whisper. She nods and bites her lip as she uses her arms which she wrapped around my neck to pull us closer.


A/n: sorry it's been awhile since i updated- I just didn't have the inspiration for awhile but here it is! I am so close to finishing this and honestly excited to write the ending because just like you guys, each chapter is a shock to me too. Cuz I don't plan shit! Anywho, hope you enjoyed the chapter. Bye bye

Word count: 1057

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