Chapter 10- Girl talk

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River's POV:

Night falls and it's pizza night so me and Loki are racing to the bachelor pad to get what they can before someone else eats it all. Cough Thor cough. A few people are already there and laughing at our antics, we shrug it off and start eating. Damn pizza is amazing. Then a happy looking Tony walks into the room, which is an odd thing to see, I whisper to Steve who is on my right "Why is he in such a good mood?" Steve looks up at Tony and then shrugs "No clue." I don't think much of it until we end up having a staring contest. Obviously I won.

  I sit back leaning on Loki with a full stomach "Soo how are things going love birds?" Me and Loki exchange a look of pure confusion "Seriously you haven't seen it?" We both roll our eyes "Seen what?" Tony tosses us his phone and shows us the recording of our mini concert earlier, all seemed fine until I saw the ending bit where we were all hugging and how me and Loki were hugging and giggling once Bucky left the room. Crap. I look over to Nat who was trying to sneak out of the room, "Got some explaining to do Nat?" She shook her head and smirked, "Thought it would help Loki's reputation if he was seen in a better light and it was also introducing you, our newest member of the team, to the world."

The team burst out laughing and I just gave up. Tony edges closer to me which creeped me out so I tucked my legs in a bit and showed visual disgust on my face "What Stark?" "Are you two actually an item and have you...ya know...yet?" Ewewew,  I hate this. Then it hits me, "How much have you bet on us?" Oh the fear in his eyes, "Double what you did with Bucky" $20,000?! Seriously? Woah...turns out my non-existent love life is worth a lot.

"Seriously Stark?" He grins "Oh I'm dead serious kid." I sigh and nestle into Loki's side "How long does this bet last?" Tony leaves and enters a couple minutes later "Until you either end up with him or someone else."  Who would be a potential partner though? I'm pretty sure everyone here is older than me or already dating...Loki's like 900 years older than me. We're not dating it's fine, it'll be weird if we date anyways. Like we would kiss and stuff.... Begone dirty thoughts!

I look over to Wanda who is smirking(?) Why is she looking at me like that? Just like that she stops smirking and starts whispering something to Nat, oh this is not gonna end well. Just like I thought Nat and Wanda both grabbed one of my arms and pulled me into a separate area of the bachelor pad. "Okay soo, spill now." Nat claps her hands together and Wanda nods, I tilt my head. "Spill what?" They groan "Seriously?! You're asking 'what'? You and Loki. Something is going on there and you can't convince us otherwise." I roll my eyes "You're right, you've figured it out...Me and Loki are.....Friends!" Oh the disappointment on their faces. "What?" Nat strangles the air and Wanda pats her shoulder then whispers something else in her ear. Guess it's Wanda's turn to try and get me to spill the tea, there isn't any but ya know.

Wanda chants something and images relay switching between different rooms, they were my memories with Loki. The times we slept together (not like that ya nasties!), the times we sang and just hung out. The 'videos' had no audio thankfully but okay a little embarrassed, only cause I'm not that close with anyone else. "So? We're just hanging out together, I don't see the problem." Wanda giggles and Nat rolls her eyes, "Yeah and friends sleep together every night? And spend every waking second together. Also Wanda told me you thought about kissing Loki." I felt myself heat up a little, "Only cause Tony said that stuff about the bet, otherwise I don't think of him that way. This is Loki we're talking about!" Nat places a hand on my shoulder and deadpans me, "Just come to terms with the fact you're in love with him." Then they walk off.

Loki? Of all people! Puh-lease! No way..right? No they're putting stuff in my head. Clear the mind, clear the mind. No thoughts not a thought behind these eyes.

And I'm thinking of it...

And I'm okay with it..

It's Loki! LOKI


Screw you Nat, Wanda and Tony! We. Are. Friends.

That night when Loki and I went to sleep in his room, it was kind of awkward. It's all because those three put all those thoughts in my head! I sigh and lay on the edge of his bed instead of cuddled up like usual. "Is something wrong little wendigo? Why are you so far?" I don't answer and pull the covers up over my shoulder instead. Loki turned the light off and rolls onto his side. I wait for his breathes to even out before closing my eyes as well. If I secretly rolled over in my sleep to Loki's side for him to cuddle me, then not my fault I roll in my sleep.

Word count: 910

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