Chapter 13- affection and realisation

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River POV:

It's been a couple days since then and half the team went on a mission, the began packing and getting ready once Tony returned, only Wanda, Pietro, Clint, Loki and Peter remained. They said they would be back some point today, in the mean time....

"Loki wanna watch a movie?" "Does this mean we're leaving our rooms?" I nod, he closes his book and holds out his arm for me to take. "Awe you do love me." He rolls his eyes playfully. Once we get down to the living room/ bachelor pad/ kitchen we get ourselves comfortable along with some drinks and decide on a movie.

"I'm serious! You'll love it!" He groans but agrees none the less. "Alrighty, Jarvis can you play lion king for us please." "No problem River." "Oh thank god she stopped using my last name." Loki chuckles, his chest quickly rising and falling, "I had nothing to do with it." "You know what I mean!" He laughs at me and the movie intro begins. "Sh!"

-at the end of the movie-

"That was actually pretty good. I like Scar the most." Loki says gently stroking my hair back as I lay on his chest. "Same but like I knew you were gonna love him. Just your whole feel gives off Scar vibes. Welp now we gotta watch the second one." He looks at me slightly wide eyed. "There's more?!" I nod and smile. "Get comfy we got another hour or so of movie time."

We get comfortable again, I say that but we really just snuggled closer together. By the end of the second movie I was starting to doze off, the movie went onto another one automatically so the two of us didn't bother to move. I don't know if Loki fell asleep or not but I was so comfy and I think he was comfy too.

Loki's POV:

Ever since I met her I thought about how odd she is. She has few fears and is very confident, funny, and overall quite amusing to be around. Even when we aren't getting ourselves into trouble we are relaxing together or having nice, simple, calming conversations.

Things do get loud when dinner rolls around and we join the avengers for food but it's fun to see them make jokes and insult each other playfully, so I don't mind it as much as I thought I would. There was this one time last week when we were at the table and Tony made a snarky comment about something we said River jumped onto the table, ran across and tackled him to the ground. The both of them fought, River ended up giving the man a fair few scratches and bite marks. He hasn't made a snarky remark on something we've said this week so far and it's Wednesday so I have high hopes. I think that will be on of the most memorable fights between the two of them.

She's also quite calming to be around, River talks about how calming my scent is and how cool I am but she, she has the scent of cinnamon sugar and she's rather warm. The sugar reminds me of a cake mother used to make me when I was upset as a child and the warmth is something I could never feel on my own.

I sigh and nestle into the warmth she released in her sleep and dozed off with her. I can't of been asleep for long because it was dusk by the time I opened my eyes, there was also the sound of a camera clicking and people laughing like fools. Someone hushes them so I start to drift off again when a pot or pan was dropped in the kitchen. Much to my disappointment I was now awake and aware of all the people around us. I sit up slightly and pull River close so she doesn't wake up just yet, she didn't sleep well last night after all. No other reason. "Good to see one of the love birds are finally awake. You didn' know..on my couch right?" I look at Tony disgusted and roll my eyes. "Good good. Anyways, we're having take out, sleepy head is having some human." I nod and stroke back some stray hairs, I hadn't realised it was time for her to eat again.

It's not that I mind it but I know she doesn't love showing people. She has said to me before that it's kind of embarrassing to be seen eating like that, with practically no manners and wolfing down someone's organs. It's why she usually eats hidden away somewhere on these days.

Word count: 784

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