Chapter 4- Alone but not really

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No one's POV:

River wakes up still cradled in Loki's arms, she peers up and sees he is asleep so she nuzzles back into him and closes her eyes again. When she wakes up the second time Loki is awake, "Morning Loki" She beams and Loki chuckles "I think you mean afternoon." She climbs off of him, rolling her eyes, only then does she find she's in a new set of clothes. "Loki how did-" He hushes her "Don't worry I used magic to replace your clothes, you shredded them and they weren't fit to wear, especially when everyone can see you down here." He chuckles, "Thanks" "No problem my little wendigo." River tilted her head when he said that. Why did Loki say 'my'?

They chat for the next couple hours "River..." She stops playing with his hands and looks up "Ya?" "...I have to go" She felt as if her heart shattered, whilst she had only been there for just over a week it had only been manageable because Loki was here with her. "No! please don't leave me. I don't want to be alone again!" Loki brings her into a tight hug and looks up at the viewing area knowing that Thor and at least a couple other members of the team were in there.

"She is a threat! We can't let her out of the cell!" Tony screeched, Steve sighed "From what we've seen over the past week and two days, she only becomes violent or transforms when she is hungry. As long as she is fed I don't see her being a danger to anyone. Tony she is in Loki's arms crying!" Fury punches the bridge of his nose and sighs, "How about this; we keep her in for another week and have her fed properly then we release her. That would give us a solid two and a half weeks to say she's been deemed safe. I'm not taking no for an answer here. Release Loki and let's get this over with."

Fury, Thor and Tony all walk down to the cell and come upon an upset Loki. "She is to be kept in the cell for another week before she is to be released. You can visit her but no using magic to get her out of there." The cell door opens and Thor drags his brother out after detaching him from River. She sat on the ground with tears in her eyes as Loki was taken out of the dull room. She sat there waiting until nightfall came, eventually she got too tired to keep her eyes open and she fell asleep alone, for the first time in over a week. It felt empty.

When she woke up the room was still kind of dark even with the lighting which told her it was still dark outside. River sighs and goes to lay back down when she felt something move next to her, she turned to find Loki curled up beside her. "Loki?" The god in question grumbled and put an arm over his eyes to block out the lighting. "Loki?" She says, this time nudging him gently. He grumbles again but opens his eyes, "w-what are you doing in here?" He had the nerve to smirk, "well all they said was 'no magic to get you out of the cell'. They never said I couldn't magic my way in." Without wasting another second she nuzzles herself into his chest and closes her eyes. "Goodnight my little wendigo."


By the time she woke up he was gone again, each night he would stay with her but the second the sun rose he teleported out of the cell. Whilst it comforted River knowing that Loki was with her in her sleep, when she was awake she was alone and ignored. The avengers decided to only feed her every other day because they seemed to have forgotten just because she's a wendigo doesn't mean she's also human. Whilst she was hungry it became bearable and by the final day she was delighted to see Loki again even if he was beside Tony.

"Your week is up. You have been deemed not a threat unless harmed or not fed so you are free to roam the tower with Loki, as long as neither of you leave the building without one of us." The cell door opens and River crashes into Loki, giving him a big hug. He seemed a little awkward at first but quickly returned the hug with a small smile.

"Come. Let's explore the building a bit." He leans down and whispers in my ear, "I haven't been anywhere in the building apart from you cell at night." River laughs and blushes slightly at his words, "how'd you eat?" "Thor brought food to and from his room." Tony quips from behind us, "Now get out and do something other than bother me." Rude much?

The two of them leave the room and start making their way down the dull grey hallways. "Why do you sing?" River pauses for a moment and thinks before she starts waking again. "Well, it calms the wendigo down and I've always enjoyed it. It's kind of embarrassing but I've always had an obsession with music...every song I've heard, I've only had to listen to twice to recreate it, so it kinda stuck with me." Loki ruffles her hair "That's not embarrassing, that's talent." She tilts her head and give him the 'really?' look "I'm serious kid!" She pouts "Stop calling me kid I'm already 22!" Loki's eyes widen "Are you sure your not 15?" She crosses her arms "I am very sure!"

After roaming through a bunch of plain hallways for nearly an hour they find an elevator and River hits a random number. They hop off the elevator and walk into a large open area. "Woah.." River spins around taking in the room.

A voice calls out from the second floor, "I see you have found the bachelor pad!" Loki groans "ugh Tony

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A voice calls out from the second floor, "I see you have found the bachelor pad!" Loki groans "ugh Tony.." River tilts her head and jumps up to the second floor with ease, landing on all fours on the glass railings, she smells Tony and gags "did she just sniff me and gag?" He turns to the team who are in fits of laughter. River covers her nose "Yeah, sorry about that but the wendigo has a ugh...strong sense of smell and...good god you smell's better if I know your scents so I don't accidentally try to eat you, if I go on a rampage or anything like that."

Loki has made his way up the stairs and gently traces small circles on River's back, "Darling, there's something called stairs." She shrugs and hops off the railings and walks over to everyone else and gets the rest of the teams scent. She circles back to Loki who is sat down on the couch. Finally she nuzzles into Loki's neck "Mmm you still smell the best." Loki pauses before playing with her hair "What do I smell like?" "...Like nature" He picks her up and places her on his lap where she nuzzles back into him "How so?" she sits up trying to think how to explain it. "Like oak? And a hint of citrus, something like a nice cool spring morning. It's calming" He nods and a small grin forms.

"Anyways love birds..... River when did you first become the wendigo?" Tony claps his hands catching them off guard. River changes position and sits sideways on Loki's lap "I'm not really sure, sometimes I don't remember when I become the wendigo. The first time I remember eating someone was when I was 9 though." He brings out a notepad and starts writing things down. "How tall are you in that form and are there other forms?" River looks up as if calculating the height "About 15 feet? And Yes there are variations of it. You've seen my full transformation, then there's fully wendigo body with a humanoid face, mostly human body, and mostly human with antlers then there's just human. In all except my regular human form I am incredibly skinny." Tony nods and writes down what she just said. "That's some good info. Hope to not see you later, bye." He waves and walks off back to his lab. River scrunches up her nose "How rude." Loki nods his head I'm agreement and continues to scowl at the man walking away.

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