Chapter 9- the past and the truth

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No one's POV:

They all start calming down a little later that night by this point though, Nat, Bucky and Wanda are passed out and Thor is falling asleep. "Hey River?" Steve sits up a little but not enough to shift or wake up his beloved, "Aren't your family going to be worried if you disappear. I just realised you've been gone from your place for the past few weeks and not contacted anyone." River moves away from Loki and stares at the ground, "They wouldn't worry, cause they're dead.." Steve felt bad knowing he'd probably hit a sore spot.

"Don't worry about it Steve, if they were alive they'd probably hate me anyways." That caught the attention of Loki as she said it, "What do you mean my dear?" River sighs and hides her face. "Okay let's go a little way back. What do you know about the wendigo?"

Loki shifts to have one leg over the other and his arm over the back of the couch, "Their demons that posses either the greedy or those who have resorted to cannibalism. They are creatures that never get their fill and will kill constantly but never gain weight or feel the satisfaction of being full. Usually described to be skinny, have black fur, a deer skull, be very large etc." River nods, "Yes well, I was never a greedy child or at least I like to think I wasn't nor did I ever resort to cannibalism. The wendigo has just always been there in me.

Remember when I said the first time I became conscious of it was at the age of nine? Well, when I got my consciousness back I wasn't human, and I was covered in blood. I thought it was a bad dream until I saw my father's dead body under me, he was never a good father but he didn't deserve to be eaten alive... Then in the corner of my eye I see my mother trying to call the cops, that's when I black out. When I came to again she was also dead and both were nearly fully eaten. I could see their ribs and all their missing organs.

Then I felt weak, small and no longer hungry, that was probably when I changed back to my human body and when the cops arrived. They chalked up the blood being all over me to be me trying to wake up my parents or to help them. I wasn't fully conscious through any of the questioning. Their murder was written up as unsolved, a possible animal attack. Then I was taken in by my aunt who quickly threw me out when I became 16, so no family that care..." She looks back up at Loki and Steve, their eyes filled with pity and sadness. River shrinks back behind her mask of acting like everything is fine. "Don't worry about it, it happened 13 years ago. Didn't mean to dampen the mood, that was really depressing to hear right? Sorry. I'm going to go to bed now. Good night!"

With that she jumps off the second floor and speeds off to her room. She wanted to feel surrounded and safe so she climbed into the hanging chair rather than the bed. It felt too open for her. Too vulnerable. River hated telling others any of her problems, it made her feel like she was burdening them and that they probably wouldn't want to hear her feelings anyways. So crying to sleep it was, she curled up and covered herself with the black fluffy blanket that Loki and her put inside then promptly fell asleep curled up.


The next morning she didn't feel cold or lonely instead she felt warm and safe. Turning over she found Loki beside her peacefully breathing asleep. River smiled wearily and grazed her finger against his cheek and sighed, "Why are you so nice to a monster like me. Your too good for someone like me." She kisses his forehead and carefully climbs out of the hanging chair towards to musical equipment, which have increased in number again. Piano, Violin, different types of guitars, a harp for some reason, a flute and a drum set. She places her hand on the piano "I really don't deserve any of this, all of this is too much for something like me..." "Personally I don't think its enough for a goddess like yourself" A warm husky voice states. River turns around to see Loki awake and out of the hanging chair and sat on the edge of the bed.

She tries to weasel her way out of the situation by changing the subject and thankfully it worked. "Hey Loki wanna play something with me? It should be easy for you to learn since you're a god" She teased, "I will ignore the fact that you just changed the subject and we will talk about this later, but for now...teach me your music thing. I'll have this down within the next few hours my dear." The mood changes drastically and River chuckled, "Alright, the song is called 'Lovely' it's a cover by Lauren Babic and features Seraphim. We'll listen to it a few times then we'll play, okay?" Loki nods and they start.

Within the hour Loki has the first half of the song down, that's when Bucky enters the room since neither of us turned up at breakfast. "Hey you two, eating is a thing you know?" The duo laugh, "So what are you doing anyways?" River stands up from the piano where she's teaching Loki the keys, "I'm teaching him how to play one of my fav songs, wanna join? It'll be great to have a drummer!" Bucky sighs and gives in "Be glad there aren't any missions today. Song name and how to play?" River shrieks with joy and grabs her phone to show him the song, "I only come in the second half and Loki only comes in at the first part? Apart from singing with you then we're all playing and singing?" She nods, "Alright, give me an hour to get this whilst you finish with Loki's part." Bucky and River fist bump and get to work on their parts. They were done and ready to put it all together by mid afternoon. "Okay, let's do this! JARVIS please also record this!"

Thought I found a way
Thought I found a way, yeah (found)
But you never go away (never go away)
So I guess I gotta stay now

Oh, I hope some day I'll make it out of here
Even if it takes all night or a hundred years
Need a place to hide, but I can't find one near
Wanna feel alive, outside I can fight my fear

Isn't it lovely, all alone?
Heart made of glass, my mind of stone
Tear me to pieces, skin to bone
Hello, welcome home

Walkin' out of town
Lookin' for a better place (lookin' for a better place)
Something's on my mind
Always in my headspace

But I know some day I'll make it out of here
Even if it takes all night or a hundred years
Need a place to hide, but I can't find one near
Wanna feel alive, outside I can fight my fear

Isn't it lovely, all alone?
Heart made of glass, my mind of stone
Tear me to pieces, skin and bone
Hello, welcome home

"That was awesome guys! Best mini concert ever! I'm so glad I had you two join me" River giggles hugging the both of them. "No problem River but if you'll excuse me I would like to eat at some point" Bucky high fives River on his way out. "Thanks for going along with me today Loki, it means a lot to have to here to help me take my mind off things." Loki hugs her again and kisses her forehead "Do not fret my dear, I know you would do the same for me." River hums and leans into his touch unknowingly.

A robotic voice suddenly calls out from the walls "Would you like to continue recording or stop miss Young?" River chuckles and places her head against Loki's chest, "You can stop recording JARVIS, please save it to the data base and have it sent to Nat for her to post this to the team's social media. Please add a note for her to cut out the last bit where we aren't singing." "Will do miss Young" River shivers at the use of her last name, "God that felt wrong to hear my last name." The god and the Wendigo both laugh and continue on with their day.

Word count: 1451

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