Chapter 11- Swimming

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River's POV:

I tried not to think about the conversation between me, Wanda and Nat. Actually it was more like I didn't have time to think about it. Since that night my training has been upped by Fury, yippee, to get my ready for missions, my first one will be in a day. I'm excited to help but also feel like vomiting. I don't know but what I do know Is, whatever that feeling it isn't letting me sleep.
Me and Loki have crashed in his room, well he's crashed. He's awesome and everything but the one thing that confuses me still about him is the fact his body temp is so low. I mean I'm not complaining, I have a high body temp cause of the wendigo so it evens out but Thor has an average body temp. I don't understand. Too much thinking my brain hurts. A swim or bath sounds good, does this place even have a pool?

I exit his room and walk next door to my place "Hey Jarvis does this place have a pool?" The same robotic voice calls out from the walls, "There is. Its two floors above miss young." I nod and walk over to the walk in wardrobe "Thanks Jarvis." I search through to see if there was a swimsuit and thankfully there was. I put it on and put an oversized white shirt over and walk out to the elevator. I press on the floor two levels above, as I step out the elevator my jaw dropped. Why does this place have to look so god damn amazing, can't something look average in this place? A bar right next to the pool? Yeah good mix, alcohol and water. Whatever.

I place my towel on one of the stools and take off my shirt then dive into the pool. Once I resurface I grab my phone which I placed by the edge and put on a stopwatch, I start it and go under. I sat on the bottom of the floor just thinking about the events of the past couple weeks, I've had more fun than I could of ever imagined. But as per usual my dark thoughts have to ruin my train of thought. 'I don't deserve this I'm a monster' 'They aren't your friends their just keeping you under control, in truth they fear you. They know you're a monster! No matter how normal you try to act they will always fear you, it's human nature to fear things stronger than them.' and so on. I shake my head to get rid of the nasty thoughts and decide to finally resurface. No clue how long I was under there but when I reached for my phone it wasn't there.

I find two sets of legs instead, looking up I see Steve and Bucky in swimming trunks. Steve passes me my phone and I pause the stopwatch "Have you seriously been under water for the past 47 minutes?" I nod and push myself to sit on the edge of the pool. "Yeah, the wendigo hates fire but seems to love water. Due to it being a demon and not technically alive, even now without changing forms my human body  can do things a regular human can't, even things you can't do super soldier. Like stay underwater for long periods of time, go weeks without eating 'human' food, not need to wait long periods of times to heal. Etc..." I huff and lay on my back, the two of them sit beside me.

"That's interesting" Bucky cuts in before Steve can say anything else, "That's really cool! Screw interesting, your telling me if you were on the run you could hide in the water for like an hour just to make sure they can't find you? Or You were shot, you'd have to wait like what half a day to heal?" "Not exactly for the last part but otherwise correct. Though I don't know when I'd be on the run and if there would randomly be water nearby." I chuckle as a pull myself out of the pool and onto the ledge. Standing up, I felt a little mischievous and push Steve into the water, then Bucky not even a second later. "Game on Wendigo!" Bucky yells climbing out of the water.

He grabs me and tosses me into the water and when I resurface he jumps in right next to me splashing water everywhere. It may or may not have become a water fight. What can I say, I'm childish and I don't think Bucky is any different once you get passed his cold exterior. We splashed around and threw each other about until we were out of breathe. We let ourselves float in the water out of breathe, panting slightly and laughing. I hear the door open but ignore it. There is some laughter and I can recognise who those laughs belong to, Loki, Thor, Tony, Nat, Wanda and there's four more? Who are they?

Word count: 839

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