Chapter 14- the darkness

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River's POV:

Today's the day! I sit up from the bed and look down at Loki; what if he gets hurt? What if I get hurt? It felt as if there was a knot forming in my stomach at the thought of either of us getting injured even slightly, though I was more concerned more about Loki than myself.

I must have been fidgeting because a set of arms snake around my waist and a cold weight settles onto my shoulder. "Good morning my little wendigo." Loki says, gently nuzzling his face into my neck. I hum and run my fingers through his hair in return. He must have been able to see how nervous I was or something because he tightens his grip on my waist ever so slightly to catch my attention. " I want to tell you something once we get back." He sounded so serious. Now I'm super curious about what he wants to talk about. This is going to bother me the entirety of the mission, I just know it!

Like usual we say our goodbyes and go get ready for the day ahead of us then meet up again on the way to the kitchen. We talk and eat for a bit. Whilst today wasn't a day where I needed to eat, it does increase my strength and stuff, Tony thought it would be better for the mission. I don't particularly mind because the wendigo will be happy and I'll be less hungry in a couple days.

"Come on love birds! We gotta get moving." Tony yells out from somewhere in the room. Loki rolls his eyes and I laugh as we make our way over to the elevator and head up to the launch pad thing. Like the gentleman he is, Loki held out a hand for me to take as I stepped onto the jet then followed close behind.

—an hour later, halfway through the mission--

I began panicking, I couldn't find anyone and these 'Hydra' people kept surrounding me. No matter how many I clawed at or bit into they just kept coming! Loki's voice registers and I turn my head to find the source. Big mistake. I was distracted and the hydra people took advantage of that. There was two loud bangs, looking over to the sound two men in hydra uniforms shaking lay held out guns that had clearly just been fired. Loki yells again but even louder this time. The two men drop the guns and are flung to the side by some form of magic. I fell to the side feeling dizzy, leaning on the wall I look myself over and find a dart with red tufts of feathers the right next to it was a... a bullet hole. I looked up and Loki had a panicked look on his face, the most panicked I've ever seen him.

His eyes were becoming red and his skin was turning slightly blue but before I could say anything about it I fell onto my side and closed my eyes. "DON'T YOU DARE DIE ON ME RIVER!" I could hear his muffled screams along with new voices yelling. Before I could make out who it was the darkness completely consumed me.

Did I die? I don't want to die... I never got to hear what Loki had to say to me...

No matter how far I walked or yelled there was just darkness, there was no one, nothing. It felt as if I had been walking and yelling for hours at this point so I sat down and took a quick brake. I don't want to be alone. Being alone is scary! I just want Loki back and his hugs..I-

There was a dim figure in the distance, as it slowly got closer and I got a better look at it I realised the figure was my little wendigo. Without missing a beat I got up and ran towards them, as soon as we clashed I held them close as I wept. "I was so scared..." They let out a distorted hum. I don't know the last time I heard their voice but I didn't realise how much I missed it. "You died. Thankfully I was strong enough to kickstart your heart again." I looked up at the wendigo confused, "H-how did I die? The bullet hit my side not my heart?" A clawed hand hugged me tight and they manoeuvred me to sit in their lap as they spoke. "The bullet had a very strong poison inside and the dart was full of some very strong narcotics. Combined they are strong enough to kill three elephants." I grasp their scraggly hair tight between my hands and weep into their chest.

"Do not fret. You are simply asleep, recovering right now. You will wake up soon but until then I'll keep you company." I nod and let myself be manoeuvred again so they laid behind me and I laid beside them. "Never leave me again." They let out another distorted hum and nuzzle into me with their bone skull before saying, "I won't child. I won't."

Loki's POV:

We rushed back and River was immediately seen to by the medical team, they then rushed her into surgery. I sat outside the medical ward for hours waiting for some good news- any news. After who knows how many hours later the head surgeon leaves and the red light turns off. "She will be fine. We lost her once in there but we brought her back. For now she's asleep." I nod, "how long will she be asleep for?" The doctor shifts uncomfortably for a second before answering. "We don't know." "WHAT?" "The narcotics and poison inside her was strong so it could take awhile for her body to fight it off. I estimate anywhere between two days to three weeks."

I don't say anything, the surgeon sighs and leaves. I could tell she felt sympathetic towards me but I was angry. Angry I didn't kill those two midgardians for harming her. I should've- "Brother, how is she?" I sit down and place my face in my hands, "they don't know exactly when she'll wake up. It could be a couple days from now or up two three weeks." He pats my bad gently before standing up and leaving, "I'll tell the team so you won't have to repeat yourself. Brother, don't be to hard on yourself. She knew the risks." I hum and wave him off, not wanting to hear his empty words of comfort. I just wanted her to wake up.

Word count: 1105

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