Chapter 6- Partners in crime

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River's POV:

It felt amazing to shower again, I got all the dried blood from the other day off my body and combed through my slightly knotted hair. I would have painted my nails but their permanently black so there's no point; good thing I  prefer black nails anyways. I dry my hair and look through the walk in wardrobe until I find a few things that fit together nicely. A simple plain grey vest tucked into some semi-skinny black jeans and some black trainers with a gold rim.

I tie my shoe laces and my a b-line to Loki's room and knock on the door. "LOKI!" I listen for his footsteps as he gets closer.. "Hello my little wendigo. Are you ready to go find something edible?" I nod and we make our way to the elevator. We arrive to the 'bachelor pad' and there are a couple people already here. They call out good morning which I replied to awkwardly "morning?" One is reading the newspaper when he turns to face us, he stands up and walks over to me, "Hello River, I'm Steve." I squeak out a hello before walking over to the kitchen, where the metal armed guy is sat on a stool and a lady is getting herself some cereal from the cabinet. "Hey kid, I'm Bucky. Strong jaw by the way." He laughs as he lifts up his metal arm which he's tinkering with "Yikes...I'm sorry I was not in the right state of mind..." He ruffles my hair "Don't sweat it kid. Just please try not to do it again." I nod and look over to the lady finishing a mouthful of cereal.

She walks over and hugs me "Hi, I'm Wanda!" "Hi.." It felt awkward to hug a stranger but she had a pleasant smell so I didn't mind it so much. "Are you hungry? We don't have any bodies at the moment though.." I shake my hands to say 'no' "Don't worry about it, I can eat human food up until I need to eat a person, it fills me up but it isn't the same. I'll probably have to eat a body around every 2-3 days or so. It varies." She nods and guides me into the large kitchen. I look around "You got any of those cookie cereals?" She grabs some milk out the fridge then passes me the box of cereal. "I cannot believe Earth's mightiest hero's eat cookie crisp cereal!"

"It's alright I suppose." Loki grumbles as he eats a bowl with me. "'S Not bad but it's not good either." Steve grumbles, obviously not impressed by our sugar consumption first thing in the morning. "I like it" Nat shrugs, not caring for the super soldiers opinion. "Just cause I eat people doesn't mean I don't have taste." Bucky and Steve exchange a glance "Did you not just hear yourself?" I sigh and put my hand on my hip "Fine, I'll go into detail about cannibalism. First humans taste more like pork than any other animal. Second internal organs are delicacies in some countries, although cannibalism is in fact frowned upon in most countries. The heart is my fav. And thirdly, Some believe it isn't murder if you eat and use the entire corpse. I eat the whole body so it can't be used for other things but bones can be turned to knifes or putty for plumbing, hair/fur can be used for pillow stuffing or as an actual pillow. Want me to continue?" They all shake their heads, on the other hand Loki is laughing with a spoon in his mouth. "You're gonna choke" On cue he begins coughing, I face palm "God give me strength." I mumble.

After the choking incident the day was pretty calm, kinda calm? Loki and I spent the day planning how to get back at Tony for all his snarky comments from the last week. "Okay but what if we fill his suit and lab with glitter?" Loki does the 50/50 hand movement "Pink glitter bombs?" He snaps his fingers "That's my girl. But how are we going to make said glitter bombs?" I pause and think "You magic up some glitter whilst I swipe some chemicals from Tony's lab?" We shake hands and go onto doing our separate jobs. Loki meets me in Tony's lab and adds the glitter to my makeshift 'bombs'.

Honestly we were surprised that Tony wasn't here considering he basically lives in his lab but it just made it all the easier the plant the glitter bombs. "When he walks in pull out all the pins. I altered a grenade to a glitter bomb. Ready?" He nods his head and we wait. Tony enters and I pull the pin out the first bomb and throw it, after hearing the 'boom' Loki uses magic to set off the others, then he teleports us out of there to my room so we don't get caught.

We sit in the hanging chair, Loki is teaching me how to read Asgardian. After a couple minutes I give up for the day and rest my head on his shoulder as he reads on. It didn't even take 5 minutes for the two of us to start to dozing off in the chair, Tony storms into the room with the rest of the avengers following behind him taking photos and videos. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU TWO?!" That woke us both up. I rub my eyes and snort when I see Tony covered head to toe in pink glitter, I tug on Loki's shirt as he wakes up. He instantly begins laughing, neither of us could keep it together. I'm hiding my face in his shoulder trying not to look at him. "Look at me right now!" We turn to face him and burst out laughing again, "I CANT! I can't take you seriously like that" I wheeze. Loki high fives me and he teleports Tony out of the room, no clue where he sent him but oh well. "we are so posting that to our social media." Nat cackles as the team exit the room. "Wait we have a social media?" Oh the poor spiderling is confused.

After all of that we both finally calm down a little and we go back to reading until dinner then we go join the group. Turns out Bucky is a pretty good cook. And yes Tony was covered in glitter for the next week.  That night I slept in Loki's room, we are too used to being around each other considering we were stuck in cells next to one another for a while week then spent another two days in the same cell. Somehow I doubt we'll  sleep apart from now on. We will simply alternate rooms or stay in which ever room we feel like for the night.

Word count: 1155

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