Chapter 8- betting and drinks

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River's POV:

Loki passes me my gym clothes and I awkwardly change into them in front of everyone. A few people had the decency to look away and Loki tried to cover me. When we got back to my room I grumbled, "Well that could have gone better."

"You only nearly ate Natasha so I think that went pretty well." I sigh and climb into the hanging chair, "God, I nearly ate Nat!" Loki rolls his eyes and chuckles, then walks over and joins me on the hanging chair, "Key word my dear, nearly. I stopped you from doing so and you even had enough strength in you to ignore every other person in that room and ran straight for the corpse. Your stronger than you think." I hug him and bury my face into his chest, "Thanks for saying that Loki...It means a lot." "No problem my dear."

No one's POV:

A couple more days pass and nothing too exciting happens. Loki and River are sat on a couch in the 'bachelor pad' talking about something when Steve and Bucky walks in. "You two really are attached at the hip." Steve chuckles. River and Loki exchange a look then grin at Steve, "We could say the same for you and Bucky, Cap" Steve instantly looked a little flushed "I- What do you mean by that River?" Loki nods and she goes on "So which one is on top?" Steve tilts his head, "You know who's the big and little spoon?" Bucky begins laughing and whispers something in Cap's ears, he then goes very red. "I do not think that's appropriate to ask!"

"Ehhh I think it is, half the team have bet on Bucky bottoming but I don't see it. I personally think your bottoming Steve, so we need to know!" River squeals. When Steve looked over at Loki he got no moral support. "SO?" Steve didn't even notice that River was in front of him "I umm well....I think you're a little young to hear about stuff like this River." Both Bucky and Loki face palm themselves. "Steve you know I'm 22 right? I can drink and have se-" Steve covers her mouth "Please say no more." She puts her hands up in surrender then grins and licks the entirety of his hand. Steve removes his hands quickly and washes them whilst she laughs. "Okay but you still haven't answered my question."

It became obvious Steve wasn't going to answer so River turned to Bucky, "Soo Bucky you gonna spill the tea or what?" He crossed his arms and smirked "How much you got bet on us?" "$10,000" He raises an eye brow "Do you even have that kinda money?" River shakes her head "Nope but I am so sure I'm right. Hehe Tony will be paying me an extra $5000 cause he's so sure I'm wrong." With that Bucky grins "If I tell you, will you give me $1000?" She smirked "Bet!" He leaned in and whispered. River jumped up and down in excitement "IKNEWIT IKNEWIT! Suck it Tony!" She jumped off the second floor and made a b-line for Tony's lab.

"Suck it Tony! I was right pay up!" She put out her hand flat in front of him. Tony grumbles and turns away from whatever he was working on, "What?" River sighs, "The bet with Steve and Bucky" His eyes widened "No way really?" She nods and giggles, "How'd you get him to tell?" "Well Steve wouldn't tell but Bucky was more than happy after finding out he'd get £1000." Tony grumbles and opens a cabinet and hands her a duffle bag. "Its all in there now out." She doesn't even question why he had money just laying around before skipping out of the room. Though she does now have plans to steal his credit card and go shopping with Wanda and Nat at some point.

River runs back to the 'bachelor pad' and hops onto the second floor where she hands Bucky the $1000 she promised, then she races back to her room and placed it by her bed then ran back and relaxed beside Loki. The afternoon was spent watching movies with Loki, Nat, Wanda, Bucky and Steve. When night fell it became a slumber party, no one wanted to go to bed, they were having to much fun chatting and playing games with one another.

"-Okay guys how about a new game?" Everyone calms down and listens to Nat, "It's basically never have I ever but you drink if you've done it. Simple." The group nods and the game begins "Never have I ever killed someone" River, Loki, Nat and Bucky all take shots and laugh "That was low Cap. You knew most of us have killed in the past." Nat chuckled, the other three agreed. River went, "Never have I ever woken up in a forest after getting hammered the night before." Loki, Steve and River take a shot, "We have got to know when this happened Loki...Steve? Either of you want to explain?" They shake their heads and everyone laughs.

Thor walks in and asks to join, everyone welcomes him- everyone except Loki but maybe it's beacuse he's loud. After explaining the rules the game starts again. "Never have I ever slept with a woman." Thor, River, Tony and Nat take a shot "God damn it you guys are targeting me at this point!" River cried out laughing., slightly buzzed from the 8 shots she's drank.

A/n: sorry this chapters a little short but the next chapter will be some of River's backstory so stay tuned!

Word count: 944

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