[𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐆𝐔𝐄] ᴍɪꜱᴜᴢᴜ ᴋᴀɴᴇᴋᴏ

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THE FEROCIOUS DROPS OF MIXED BLOOD AND WATER SPLATTED LIKE WILD HARMLESS BULLETS ON THE GROUND. A pair of glowing scarlet eyes gazed emotionlessly at the unmoving body that was laying on the stone surface. The man. The victim of the scarlet-eyed woman had his body planted firmly on the stone road beneath them with his blood slowly draining from his insides. His vision started to blur as his chest rose up and down in an unsteady rhythm.

With the last remaining strength inside of him, he managed to tilt his head towards his assailant. And there, he was met with her dull stare, piercing at his very soul through his onyx eyes - like she was about to rip every single hair strand from his head. "I'm about to die and that's how you say goodbye? That's very cruel of you." He was able to joke to subside the current pain. Despite the time slowly leaving his fingers like dust being sucked into a vacuum cleaner, he smiled at her; he smiled at the person who stole his life. And yet, the smile that he gave to her portrayed genuine gratitude and gratefulness.

Drowning in a pool of suffocation, a distorted chuckle escaped his pale lips. "Thank you, Suzue." As he took his last breath, his eyelids had finally shut tight - indicating that he is now forever gone. And yet, even though he had died, Misuzu didn't bother to move an inch. She coldly stared at the corpse of the person that lay lifeless on the ground.

She was fucking tired. All of her muscles are giving up on her. The battle she recently had with the man now lying dead on the ground was a difficult fight that forced her to use the trump card of her godly ability. Due to her using the last resort of her power, her life force was also daring to finally leave this tiresome world of bloodshed. She knew that, and she was ready to take her final breath as well.

The scarlet orbs of her eyes showed that she was still in a state where the demon of her ability was the one dominating her current stance. The demon was controlling every movement of her body like a stringed puppet.

However, when she expected to enter the doors of death, a hand had suddenly gripped her wrist tightly - feeling her own soul overpower the cursed demon that she had once unlocked, only to cage the demon back in its hidden cell. Her ability was suddenly stopped without her knowledge. Her scarlet eyes desaturated back into ruby ones, the initial color of her eyes. And with that, she regained control of her body. "Show's over, Kaneko Misuzu. Now stay alive." A husky yet relaxing voice whispered (well more like strictly instructed) to her as if he would feed her to a volcano if she doesn't follow.

𝐏𝐎𝐋𝐀𝐑 𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 | CHUUYA NAKAHARAWhere stories live. Discover now