14 | ɢᴜᴇꜱᴛꜱ

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THE NEXT DAY CAME ALONG. MISUZU AND YOSANO entered the cafe's building, sending soft smiles at the local bartenders. Though the raven-haired lady wasn't completely recovered, she wanted to go to work for the day - knowing that someone new had technically joined the agency (as mentioned by Yosano). Even though the doctor kept telling her to take the day off until today, Misuzu insisted she'd be alright and attended work anyway. 

Yesterday afternoon, Yosano had taken a half-day once she found out from Kunikida that Misuzu hadn't been doing fairly well. Yosano immediately dropped everything, cleared her schedule, and went to Misuzu's apartment the moment she was able to. Misuzu's been there for Yosano a lot before whenever she'd need her. Of course, Yosano would most definitely do the same for the scarlet-eyed lady.

As always, Misuzu ordered her daily cup of coffee from the bartender. The moment she was about to pull out her money to pay for the drink, the barista quickly said, "No need for you to pay, Miss Kaneko. Your bill will be covered for 7 days."

Both Yosano and Misuzu shared a surprised expression, befuddled by the sudden statement. Misuzu furrowed her eyebrows, turning to the short-haired woman beside her, "Did you do this?"

Yosano shook her head in response, followed by a chuckle, "Honestly, darling, I wish I did."


"Good morning, everyone." "Morning, gentlemen." Both women greeted as they stepped foot inside of their agency's office. Kunikida simply replied with a 'good morning, ladies' while also keeping his eyes on his laptop's monitor. Meanwhile, Dazai responded with a cheery 'Hi!', as a bright smile was drawn on his face.

As Misuzu and Yosano were walking toward their desks, Dazai suddenly stood up from his seat happily, "I'm glad you're back up and running, Neko-chan! Did you like my gift for you, by the way?" He asked, skipping to the ravenette's table, "I heard you took a day off, so I wanted to do something when you come back! I know you're practically in love with your caffeine, and I managed to pull some strings." 

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