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"A MAN HAS TAKEN A HOSTAGE AND THREATENED TO BLOW UP OUR OFFICE!!" It's only been a few days since the detective agency had temporarily taken in Atsushi

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"A MAN HAS TAKEN A HOSTAGE AND THREATENED TO BLOW UP OUR OFFICE!!" It's only been a few days since the detective agency had temporarily taken in Atsushi. And before the poor weretiger knew it, he's now being dragged by two agency members to the office where a mad bomber caused chaos in.

Walking towards the door of the Armed Detective Agency's office, Kunikida, Dazai, and a confused-looking Atsushi approached the entrance where one of the organization's members, Misuzu, stood in front. She had her weapons in hand, almost like she was prepared to stab someone, especially having her eyes squinted like lioness looking for prey.

"Kaneko-san!" Kunikida called out the attention of the raven-haired lady causing Misuzu to turn in the direction of Kunikida's voice, seeing them rush towards her. "Right on time you three." She sighed in relief, "Oh, hey there kid." She quickly greeted before turning her gaze back to the door. The teenager muttered out a soft, bewildered 'Hi' to her as well.

Holy Crap. She was insanely gorgeous. She looked like a model from magazine posters you'd see on fashion brands, though smaller in height. Atsushi then vaguely remembered that she was the one he had seen first when he regained consciousness before Dazai pointed out his right hand that apparently didn't change when his ability was nullified. He didn't really have a good look at her facial beauty before due to all that's been going on, but now he does.

"What's the status?" Kunikida asked, standing beside her with a serious facade drawn on his face. Atsushi shook his head to draw himself back to the current situation. "The mad bomber's sitting on the desk with the controller in hand. We have to get in without him noticing." She reported, "Follow me."

"Uhm... Excuse me—" Atsushi tried to speak up, but he was immediately cut off by Dazai. "Shh... We don't want the bomber to hear us. Let's keep our voices down."

"Right. Sorry..."

The quartet sneakily managed to head inside their office without getting spotted. They hid behind the row of plants just beside the doors of their room, watching the orange-haired bomber continuously blaming the agency on top of the table while having one of the organization's clerks hostage. "Bring me the president!" He yells, "If you don't, I'll blow everyone in this place to Kingdom Come!"

𝐏𝐎𝐋𝐀𝐑 𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 | CHUUYA NAKAHARAWhere stories live. Discover now