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"GEEZ. YOU KNOW, I FIGURED THE KID WAS STUPID, JUST NOT THAT STUPID." KUNIKIDA CROSSED HIS ARMS, AS THE THREE (or rather, four) agents stood in front of Atsushi, looking down at him as he was still covering the bomb with his body. The teen opened his eyes, only to see that he was still practically alive and well, along with the other people in the agency's office. There was no sign of explosions anywhere.

Misuzu crossed her arms on her chest, "Willing to sacrifice yourself for our sake, huh? How foolish and heroic." She mumbled, a tone of slight disappointment in her voice.

Dazai grinned, "He even has the talent to become a suicidal maniac! Wouldn't you agree with me? Tanizaki." He turned to the redhead that was standing behind the blonde man, practically hiding behind him. Jun'ichiro Tanizaki (Ability: Light Snow), a young man with slim, average build, having orange hair, hazel eyes and pale skin. His hair is parted in the middle with its spikes sweeping downwards, along with a light grey bobby pin clipped on his left. He wears earrings with the corresponding color of his pin. His attire consists of an oversized, off-white V-necked sweater with a black stripe on the collar, light blue pants, and brown shoes. A red sweater is wrapped around his waist. Tanizaki also dons a black tank top underneath his sweater.

Jun'ichiro smiled bashfully at the male, "Sorry... Are you okay?"

Atsushi blinked in confusion before letting out a "Heh??"

"Oh! My sweet big brother!!" Naomi immediately lunged at Jun'ichiro the moment Misuzu managed to release her from the binds that were used to tie her up earlier for the little stunt their agency pulled. The ravenette huffed at the two as they began flirting. Though she was used to it, the level of her being uncomfortable with it was above average. Who wouldn't be? They're siblings for goodness sake.

Atsushi's eyebrows twitched in disbelief. "You mad?" Kunikida questions, "If you're upset, you should blame Dazai. Or yourself. After all, you chose an idiot like him to help you find work."

"...Wait, does that mean this is the job?" The grey-haired boy deadpanned.

The brunette smiled, "It sure is! I told you there was a test involved!"

𝐏𝐎𝐋𝐀𝐑 𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 | CHUUYA NAKAHARAWhere stories live. Discover now