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The sound of the pistol's gunshot echoed once more. Expecting the excretion of blood from the person in front of him, all Ace had received was his bullet getting stopped mid-air. Hearing the soft rustle of the carpet, he was barely able to dodge the sudden zooming thorn, thus creating a cut of fresh blood on his cheek. Shocked with widened eyes, he turned to where the weapon landed, seeing a golden thorn sticking to the wall to his right. Within a millisecond later, the bullet that was floating in the air in front of him was released, but this time was triggered to be aimed right over at the Port Mafia Executive.

A clean-cut formed on his shoulder and managed to shoot a bullet at the arm of one of the armed men behind him. Gritting his teeth, he turned to his left where the golden thorn was shot from earlier. "Who is that?! Show yourself!" He yelled. The wind in the air began to cycle around the Port Mafia men, creating some type of tornado. Crayons, pencils, building blocks, and papers were floating with the force of the wind, thus giving the enemies a difficult time seeing what was happening.

For what seemed like forever eventually ended after five seconds. The tornading gale had cleared, and the solid items dropped motionless on the ground. However, the people that were previously in front of Ace disappeared, leaving no trace of them in vision. The aura of the place had seemed to darken... literally. A questioning presence of a serial assassin radiated in the area.

"Special Ability: Shell of the Moon and Sun" The silhouette of a woman appeared before the men in the area. A deadly color of red was visibly flaming from her figure as her eyes looked like she was hungry for blood. The golden thorn that was on the wall earlier had been removed from the wall on its own, returning to the woman's hand like it was Thor's Mjolnir. She's the descendant of the devil, a nightmare perceiving one like one's daydream, that's how she is being visualized by her opponents - especially when the people important to her have been covered in their own blood by a person of carnage.

Taking a gulp of fear straight down his throat, a meek grin curved up Ace's lips to cover the quivering fright he was feeling. He's an executive. He shouldn't fear his enemies, his enemies must fear him. But then again, he must be forgetting that he's going against someone who was once a Port Mafia Executive as well. A sinister cackle escaped his mouth, "Ah~ The Abyssal Princess of the Port Mafia. How delightful to see you here, boss." He addressed, opening his arms wide as if welcoming her into a trapping embrace.

𝐏𝐎𝐋𝐀𝐑 𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 | CHUUYA NAKAHARAWhere stories live. Discover now