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Surges of purple electricity pierced through the air, storming clouds thundering through the empty grassland.

"I didn't think you'd be able to find me so soon."

A pang echoed as an electric blade was knocked to the ground. Crimson blood seeped down the woman's head, her chest heaving.

The blonde lady before her strutted towards her, a menacing chuckle erupting from her glossed lips.

A current of anemo came rushing through the storming winds. The purple glow of the woman's blade instinctively protected her, though she knew her body wasn't holding on much longer. She doubled over for a moment, her clothes torn in various places; she was losing blood by the second.

Yet, this blonde lady, she had been just barely touched.

The anemo shield she had was impenetrable. It seemed she had been refining it for a long time.

"I won't tell you where my daughter is," the woman hissed. "I don't care for your revenge. I never wanted to kill your parents."

"Don't make me laugh."

All of a sudden, currents of anemo gripped her neck, her feet no longer on the ground. She cried out, flailing around in attempt to release herself.

"You killed them right in front of me. You expect me to believe such a pathetic excuse?!"

Another pang. The blade was sent weakly to the ground.

Rain began to pour, dampening the blood-ridden soil beneath the two.

The blonde lady's lips turned up with a smirk as she watched her enemy's breathing fall ragged. She bent down, her slender fingers wrapping around the handle of the rose-gold blade that had been pathetically thrown at her. A green, airy aura began to surround it.

"Your only excuse is that you were doing it for the Tsaritsa. You say my parents were traitors but look at yourself now!" she cackled manically. "You and your Mondstadtian husband! You're the traitors!"

"Now I am just doing as the Tsaritsa has asked of me, but now you have a problem with it, hm? What a hypocritical mother!"

The blonde lady smiled simply, loosening her grip of wind on the woman. She reached towards her waist, yanking off the dulling electro vision that previously rested against her thigh.

"What a pleasant surprise it must have been. To be blessed by the Gods for committing murder. I cannot wait any longer. I cannot wait until this vision is faded white and dull."

"No wonder your daughter is so weak," she laughed. "Like mother like daughter. You thought you could betray the Fatui with this measly sword?"

"Did you ever even take the time to train your daughter? Or were you so weak in your own abilities you just dumped her into the Fatui ranks and hoped for the best?"

The woman was silent. Ragged breaths heaved from her chest. Blood continued to drip down her body.

Her teeth gritted. She knew any attacks now were useless.

Her gaze fell.

Finally, she had surrendered.

"Wait. Before you kill me."

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