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• third person •

(Y/N)'s eyes narrowed.

Instantly, she shoved the man away.

"St-stay away from me."

He reached out. (Y/N) smacked his hand away.

Her eyebrows furrowed, a newfound anger rising within her chest.

(Y/N)'s father stared in silence as she leapt up onto her feet, walking away.

"You can yell at me if you'd like," he offered. "Since I never got to raise you... I don't think I really deserve the respect of a parent."

His gaze fell, a bittersweet smile on his lips. "Plus, I died only a few years older than you. We're both in our twenties, so that's a little strange."

(Y/N) glared at the floor.

"Do you know..." she whispered, "how much you broke my mother's heart..?"

"How could you..?" She span on her heels. "How could you do that to her?! She- She was so excited to have a child! She loved you so much! And you- You-?!"

That regretful smile remained on his lips. "I've already explained everything to your mother long ago. We get along very well again now."

(Y/N)'s eyes widened.

"I-is Dad here?"

Another vision. Rapidly, she turned, her pupils shaking.

"He is. He wanted to see you. But I told him to stay put."

"Mom..." (Y/N) mumbled.

"Wh- Why?"

"I told him that... I don't think it's time for you just yet."

The vision disappeared.

Her father stood, holding his hips with a tilt of his head.

"I suppose it's finally time now," he spoke with a laugh.

(Y/N) frowned, looking away. She continued to avoid his gaze.

"You should sit. I think you might need some rest. Too much knowledge at once can make your head explode, you know."

My head is pounding...

With a heavy exhale, (Y/N) reluctantly did so, bringing her knees to her face, unable to control the film of water that blurred her vision.

Her father soon followed, sitting right in front of her. Of course, it didn't take him by surprise when she continued to avoid his gaze, her eyes clamping shut, the tears managing to slip out, rolling gently down her cheeks.

"The last thing I ever wanted was to abandon your mother with our child," he began. "We were incredibly excited to have you."

"We were constantly told that it would be impossible." A soft chuckle left his lips. "Infertility ran through both of our families. We tried almost everything, and we were so close to just giving up. Your mother had extremely irregular cycles, so it was very difficult to track as well."

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