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• third person •

(Y/N) only stared up at the man in confusion.


"Are you okay?" Kaeya asked softly. "You've been passed out for so long. You were barely breathing. I really thought you were dead again..."

(Y/N)'s eyelids immediately shut again. "Gods this invention really fucked me up didn't it."

"Hey. Don't play around with me. Open your eyes. It's not funny."

(Y/N)'s eyebrows furrowed, taking a moment to stare at him again.

"Is this another vision?"


"I think I'm going insane, Kaeya."

Kaeya's lips fell flat. "I can tell."

Though, he couldn't help that little smile when she reached upwards, slowly rubbing her thumb against his cheek.

"Kaeya? It's really you?"

He nodded.

Immediately, he helped her as she sat up, her eyes scanning around the dark room, clearly quite disoriented.

She held her forehead.

"Aren't I in Snezhnaya?"

"Yep. You're exactly where you passed out."

"In my old house?"


"But you're supposed to be in Mondstadt."


"And you were poisoned."

A small chuckle left his lips. "Not anymore."

Slowly, (Y/N) turned towards her dear friend. His eyebrow raised when he noticed her expression falter.

"Kaeya," she whispered. Her voice broke slightly.

"Wh-what is i– (Y/N)-?"

Kaeya was taken aback when she suddenly jumped before him, throwing her arms around his shoulders so tightly.

"Kaeya, I'm sorry," she cried. Tears began to seep through his shoulder. "I'm so sorry, Kaeya."

Carefully, he wrapped his hand around her back, returning the hug. "Hey... What're you apologising for..?" An uneasy smile spread across his lips. "I'm the one who's sorry for hurting you, while I was poison–"

"No," (Y/N) shook her head, "I'm sorry for not being there when you needed me most. You've... been through so much."

Kaeya's eyes widened.

"Wh-what do you mean..?" he whispered.

"Sh-she's awake!" a sudden voice erupted. "Everyone, she's awake!!!"

(Y/N) was about to pull away from the embrace when she heard that familiar squeaky voice. Kaeya yanked her right back in.

"Paimon, wait back down there. Tell everyone to wait for a bit more. Reassure the boy that she's fine, okay?"

"U-um, okay!"

Kaeya's eyes narrowed. (Y/N) stared up at him quietly.

"What do you mean?" he repeated.

Her gaze fell.

"You know everything, don't you..?"

Slowly, she nodded.

"About... where I'm from..?" Nod. "And that night..? My vision..?" Nod. "And... Diluc..?"

(Y/N) furrowed her brows, with a final nod.

vision • dilucWhere stories live. Discover now