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• third person •

"Looks like you've calmed down now." Gloria giggled softly. She crouched down, examining the lifeless expression on (Y/N)'s face. "If you want your dear Diluc to be healed I suggest you do as I say."

With a smile, Gloria cupped (Y/N)'s cheek, lifting her face to make them meet eyes. (Y/N) averted her gaze.

"Well?" Gloria tilted her head.

(Y/N)'s dull eyes fell, her cheeks streaked with tears. "Okay," she whispered weakly.

Gloria patted her head. "That's a good girl," she praised. (Y/N) didn't react.

"On one condition..." (Y/N) murmured. Her breathing was becoming more and more staggered by the second. "You..." She swayed. Gloria's eyebrows raised. "You make sure nothing happens to Diluc... If he's hurt at all when I get back... I'll..."

(Y/N) fell forward. Gloria caught her in her arms. "I'll find a way... to fucking kill you..."

And with those words, (Y/N) had fallen unconscious once again.

Gloria simply chuckled, lifting her up. She stood, grabbed the keys inside the door before them, before turning it with a click.

"Of course," she teased. "But we can discuss that all tomorrow morning..."

Gloria pushed open the door, kicking away the body that was in the way on the floor. Delicately, she placed (Y/N) upon the single bed in the room, before observing the unconscious man on the floor.

Any moment now...

Diluc slowly began to blink.

There we go.

"Get up," Gloria ordered.

Dazed, Diluc scanned his environment for a moment. It took him a while to come to his senses, though, soon enough, he was up.

"Come here."

Diluc approached the blonde woman with no protest.

Gloria hummed in satisfaction, before her eyes fell back upon the unconscious figure upon the bed.

Her lips curved ever-so-slightly, her fingers slowly running down (Y/N)'s arm. "Isn't she so beautiful..? You mustn't harm her anymore, alright?"

Diluc nodded.

Gloria's breath shook upon taking in (Y/N)'s sleeping body. "There's something so... so... erotic... about having such weak people under your control, isn't there..? Oh my..."

"Mmm..." Gloria's fist clenched. "I can barely contain myself... Since she has been so good and complied, perhaps I shall spare her and leave her be..."

She looked up at Diluc. "There's always you anyway..." she said with a giggle.

The light in Diluc's eyes had completely vanished. He watched with no thought as Gloria pulled out a small syringe, before gently taking (Y/N)'s arm into her hand. She pressed the needle into the skin, emptying the syringe inside. She placed a small plaster upon the wound.

"Now she'll be fully unconscious for the entire night," she stated with a low chuckle. "This is the last night you will see her for a while, so you may as well take it to your full advantage, hm? She is completely under your mercy. I will allow you to do anything to her body, except wound her or injure her, alright?"

Diluc stared at (Y/N) quietly.

Gloria's tone lowered. "Is that alright?"

Diluc nodded.

Gloria smiled. "Good boy. Now..." She reached, grabbing his hand, "don't be afraid... You have full control over her body now..." Slowly, she trailed Diluc's hand upon (Y/N)'s waist, through the thin white gown she wore, right up until her exposed thigh. "I'll leave her to you. Hehe."

With a content sigh, Gloria released Diluc's hand which remained where it was, before approaching the wooden door. Diluc remained, observing (Y/N)'s unconscious body in silence.

"Have fun~!" Gloria sang. And with that, the door was shut.

With no thought at all, Diluc climbed onto the bed.

• • •

"Is he still acting weird..?"

"Mhm... Won't he get better? Do you think he'll be like this forever?"

"He can't! Don't say that!"

"Don't cry... Father said he'll be fine..! Don't cry..."

"Big brother Ajax... Please get better soon..."

• •

short chapter ohhrldggoekfhhydudjdkd


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