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• third person •


"They must be in the tent," Diluc muttered to himself. "I could still use my vision in the tent, but I can't use it here. Fuck."

(Y/N)'s fists clenched. "Why did she take our visions? Doesn't she have one of her own?" She frowned. "I-I still have the delusion on me, if we need it..."

"It's okay," Diluc whispered. "We'll be fine without any powers, for now. Let's just get some rest."

(Y/N) examined Diluc's expression. His eyebrows were furrowed, his lips curved almost permanently downwards, his face slightly pale.

"Th-there's fruit on that table. I'll cut up some apples," (Y/N) suggested.

One of her eyes closed when Diluc kissed her forehead. "Okay."

A single candlelight was all the light they had in the tight room. (Y/N) placed the candle upon the desk, before pulling out a small knife to cut up one of the apples. Diluc found himself approaching a wooden chair beside the bed.

(Y/N) glanced over towards Diluc upon hearing a sharp sigh. Diluc sat, his forehead in his hand, his eyes clamped shut.

Her head tilted. She placed the small knife and the apple down. "Are you okay?" she asked quietly.

(Y/N) lifted the candle before her, bringing it towards Diluc. Diluc hummed.

"Headache," he mumbled. "Nothing much..."

"A headache? Are you sure you're not ill?" (Y/N) frowned. She reached out, delicately placing her hand upon his forehead to check his temperature. "We were out in the cold for a long time: you shouldn't rely on the warmth of your pyro vision for too l–"

Diluc slapped (Y/N)'s hand away.

(Y/N) stood straight. Her eyebrows furrowed.

"Um, what was that for?"

Diluc's eyes opened. He glanced up at her, blinking. "What was what for?"

"You just smacked my hand away from you," (Y/N) said with a frown. "Don't play dumb, Diluc."

Diluc rolled his eyes. "Gods, you get upset over everything, don't you?"

(Y/N) stepped away from Diluc. Her fist clenched.

"What's with you all of a sudden?" She could feel her eyes tearing up already. "Did I do something wrong?"

Diluc stared at her as she glared back.

"What's wrong?" he questioned. "Come here..."

Silence fell between them.

(Y/N)'s body froze. She placed the candle down, backing away.

Her breathing fell staggered.

"D-Diluc- h-have you had anything to drink by any chance?" she stammered, nearing the door.

Diluc stood up.

"Stay back and answer!"

"No. Do you have to assume everything? So fucking annoying."

Diluc covered his mouth. His pupils dilated at the sound of his own words.

Finally, he had come to the realisation.

"Get out!" he exclaimed. "Get out and run!"

(Y/N) fumbled with door handle.


(Y/N) glanced over towards the gaps in the walls, with black bars that really felt like a prison itself.

Diluc began to approach her. (Y/N) attempted to run around him. He grabbed her waist, slamming her body back into the door.

vision • dilucWhere stories live. Discover now