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• third person •


(Y/N) awoke, placing her hand upon her head.

Why does it feel like I'm hungover..? I didn't drink, did I?

Her eyes narrow from the white light of the morning that beamed in through the window, (Y/N) lifted her hands. A certain black glove covered her right. Her eyes widened.

Abruptly, she was about to shoot up, before something pulled her back down.


His arms were wrapped tightly around her waist, himself merely being... peacefully asleep.

(Y/N) frowned as Diluc pulled her in again, his soft breathing gently fanning against her face.

(Y/N) reached up, delicately fixing his collar, before her hand ran up to his small face, cupping it in her palm.

"I'm sorry I agreed, Diluc," (Y/N) mumbled. "Even after she hurt the person I love most, still I..."

A bittersweet laugh escaped (Y/N)'s lips. "I bet if you could you would just tell me that it's okay. That I had no other choice."

(Y/N)'s fingers began to tremble against his warm skin. She bit her lip, drops beginning seep from her eyes.

"But... the thing that hurts me the most about my choice..." (Y/N) hiccuped, tears dripping down onto the pillow, "is that I'll have to leave you all alone..."

"We were-" (Y/N) sobbed, "we were supposed to go through this together, weren't we..?"

Soon enough, (Y/N) found herself bawling uncontrollably, knowing very well that Diluc couldn't comfort her this time. She relied too much on him, and she knew it.

"You have to stay safe, okay..?" she cried, caressing his cheek. "Don't hurt yourself, and don't hurt anyone... Just stay here and wait for me, okay..? I'll do what she says and get the antidote as soon as I can, I promise..."

She held his face, leaning her forehead against his, her eyes fluttering shut as she failed to contain her cries.

"I don't want to leave you..." Her teeth gritted. "I don't want to be alone. I don't want to be without you."

Her heart clenched continuously, her cries nothing compared to the agony she felt inside.

"Ugh..." (Y/N) sniffled. "Why am I so weak without you..? I'm so pathetic..." Slowly, she sat up, wiping her eyes with her arms. She removed Diluc's grip upon her waist.

"Why did you even fall for someone so ordinary..?" (Y/N) rubbed her face. "You must be so embarrassed whenever someone asks who you're married to..."

"No..." She laughed half-heartedly. "If I was so ordinary then I wouldn't be talking to myself while my husband is poisoned with Aggression 2000. In a dainty house in the middle of nowhere. Which also happens to be my homeland."

Delicately, (Y/N) lifted the gown Gloria had dressed her in back when she had healed her in the tent. She never got a chance to check the wound after Gloria healed it. All that remained was a scar. She really did heal it fully...

(Y/N) stared despondently at her shorts. They were green, so the blood stain on them was pretty obvious. But she was more glad that Gloria hadn't completely undressed her anyway. Luckily, she had packed spare clothes just in case.

(Y/N)'s eyebrow raised when she scanned the room. Diluc's rucksack was on the floor by the table, and upon the table...

A familiar violet glow shimmered in the daylight that spilled in.

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