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• third person •

"How is it going? I hope I haven't put too much pressure on you, Albedo..."

"Pressure is no big deal for me, don't worry," Albedo smiled, glancing at his notes, unable to give the blonde woman before him the full attention he wanted to, but she didn't mind. "Please, take a seat."

Jean watched quietly as the Chief Alchemist mixed yet another potion, before examining a sample at hand. She sighed quietly, yet did so.

"Progress is doing alright," Albedo informed. "I've obtained samples of the blood of some of those affected, and am working on finding out the key ingredients of the poison, with the help of the Dawn Winery staff by letting me take samples of their spoilt wine also. I have found a few ingredients already. Then, all I will need to do is find where the toxins arrive and create something that kills them. Simple enough."

"In my research I have been able to discern the clear, common symptoms of the poison, other than aggressiveness, which is also helpful to the creation of the antidote. The most common symptoms seems to be headaches, sometimes drowsiness, before the aggression kicks in. I'm sure you know what happens after that."

Jean nodded. The flickering fire of his lab created a familiar, welcoming warmth in contrast to the daunting, snowy mountains it lay. "Thank you, Albedo."

Albedo simply shook his head with another smile. "How is it back in Mondstadt? How is Klee? It upsets me that I haven't been able to visit in a while..."

With a purse of her lips, Jean held her own hands, her thumb rubbing against the back of the other. "She's... been quite upset, to be honest. I've had to put orders for citizens to stay at home due to the worsening weather, and due to the victims of the poison, and... she's been quite lonely. She misses you, and Kaeya... Luckily Dodoco somehow manages to cheer her up, but..." Jean frowned. "I wish there was more I could do..."

"I see..." Albedo halted his work for a moment. A complicated expression appeared upon his face. "I hope those two come back soon."

Once again, Jean nodded. "I hope so too..."

• • •

A faint light gradually began to seep into his eyesight.

His eyes fluttered, his head pounding.

With a small shuffle, Diluc slowly sat up, rubbing his eyes.

His body froze in realisation.

Immediately, he pulled back his hands.

They were...

His hands looked pale in the dimly lit tent.

They were clean.

He was in a tent.

He was also on a bed.

His pupils darted around, falling deadly silent.

A candle flickered upon the table beside him. There was also another candle not so far away, and a strange red glow, accompanied by a slender figure.

The firey glow seemed to be some sort of small field upon the bed before the figure, where a more familiar person lay.

Diluc's eyes widened, his body almost jolting up.


"My. You woke up much quicker than I thought you would."

Diluc was struck silent. A silky voice emitted from the figure, an amused laugh escaping their lips.

Just as Diluc's weapon was about to appear in his hands, the figure interrupted.

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