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• third person •

"Well? How does that feel?"

(Y/N) stared at the body on the floor, her eyes slightly wide, blinking.

A sharp instrument sat between her fingers, the contents of it now empty.

"How long do they stay unconscious for?" she asked, slightly pouting. "Gloria told me to kill everyone."

A soft chuckle escaped Lu's lips, dragging the unconscious Fatuus to lay by a small fire. "Long enough. You really don't need to kill anyone. Gloria just has no care for human life."

(Y/N) put the empty syringe away. Hurriedly, she rushed towards the older man, who had already begun to walk again.

"I thought you didn't know much about her. I've never even mentioned the name Gloria before yet you immediately know who I'm talking about."

Lu shook his head. "I didn't know much about 'G'. I know plenty about Gloria. A regular Fatuus is too easy to find information on once you know their name."

Another laugh left Lu. He didn't even need to look at her face to know that the curiosity was brimming out.

"Gloria has always been fascinated by Number Two of the Harbingers, The Doctor. I'd even go as far as to say she has worked under him for some time, but I'm not too sure about now. She'll follow orders as long as she gets a thrill out of it."

"Even little Diluc has had his scuffles with Il Dottore before. What a small world!"

At this point, (Y/N) had learnt not to question the increasingly concerning new things she kept learning about Diluc as some sort of off-hand comment.

Lu sighed, folding his arms. "They're both the same, to be honest. Just crazy people, who are crazy for the sake of being crazy. Thrill-seekers who seek the thrill of the most morally-questionable things. Even I couldn't find any sort of sob story on her. She didn't even care when her parents were killed."

"People like her just do what they want to do. And won't hold back when they experience that thrill they have been searching for. It's no surprise her sister didn't even consider her a sister."

(Y/N)'s eyebrows raised.

"Do you know anything about Maria?" The words flew out of her mouth.

At that, Lu nodded. (Y/N) rushed to his side again. Lu had very sturdy legs, and walked very fast.

"She was under The Knave for the time she was with the Fatui. It's a shame. She loved La Signora dearly and looked up to her. People's words are really the enemy of man. Soon enough she was filled to the brim with hatred: for her real sister, the sister she had been branded with, the Fatui, and of course, the killer of her parents."

"Unlike her biological sister, Maria was a soul full of love and care. She was met with a tragic fate. Had her life not have been intertwined with the Fatui, perhaps she could have lived happily, rather than to be poisoned with hatred."

"Sometimes loss brings the deepest of emotions out that none could even imagine to be seen in the kindest souls."

(Y/N) stared at the ground. She pursed her lips, falling slightly behind again.

"Tell me," Lu turned his head, glancing at her, "what do you honestly think about Maria? You kept her legacy this entire time, and carried out her wish of saying goodbye to this world. Yet what Gloria told you about her actions towards your mother are also true. Do you think it's fair to pick sides?"

"H-how long have you been watching me..?"

Lu smiled. "Ever since you and Diluc encountered Gloria."

"So, your answer?"

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