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• third person •

After sucking in a large breath, (Y/N) pushed open the door.

Her sharp gaze faltered for a split second.

Diluc was sitting on the bed silently, dazed, soft tears simply rolling down his cheeks.

He glanced at the door. His eyes slightly widened.

"(Y/N)..?" he whispered.

(Y/N) shut the door. She stepped back against it.

Diluc looked away again. "Another dream..."

"N-no, I'm– I'm here. I'm back." (Y/N) suddenly found herself stammering. Her chest tightened.

Diluc's vision jingled in her hands. His pupils dilated in silence.

Slowly, he stood, his eyebrows raised, stepping closer and closer towards her. (Y/N) pushed herself back up the door as if she could move further back at all.

Diluc cupped her cheek.

"You're real?" he whispered.

For some reason, (Y/N) just stared at him, frozen.

Diluc leant in, his eyes scanning her face, his breathing beginning to quicken.

And then, all of a sudden, his lips pressed against hers.

It was only for a split second, yet (Y/N) couldn't bring herself to move away.

Diluc's face softened, his tense shoulders beginning to relax. "(Y/N)..!" he exclaimed. His eyes began to light up. "My love... You're back..!"

(Y/N)'s gaze fell.

This is... so hard...

"Uh... Here." (Y/N) passed him his vision. He blinked, before taking it. He attached it to his belt.

And then, he stood straight, as if the world had suddenly dawned upon him again.

"(Y/N)!" he exclaimed again.

(Y/N) averted her gaze.

"Oh... (Y/N)." Without warning, Diluc pulled her into his arms. She flinched in surprise. "I'm so sorry. If I wasn't so foolish, I wouldn't have been poisoned. You must have felt so lonely. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for all of the things I said too. I hope you know I never meant any of them... It seems this poison exploits the weaknesses of their target."

"It's okay," she murmured. She wasn't hugging back. Diluc pulled away, gazing upon her with concerned eyes.

"Are you alright? Did you get hurt? You have a little blood on you. Did you manage to get the antidote then? I am so proud of you."

Stop... Fuck...

It hurts... So fucking bad...

"I'm sorry that we couldn't go through this together. I can't even imagine how hard it was for you. I really wished to visit your old house as well. I want to be closer to you; I want to know more about your childhood."

(Y/N)'s eyes narrowed.

"What about me?" she whispered.


"I..." (Y/N)'s mouth closed for a moment. "I don't know anything about your past, yet I live in your house. That has always been your house."

Diluc noticed her shoulders tensing. "I... didn't know you wanted to know..."

(Y/N) slipped past him, turning to meet his gaze, making sure she wasn't trapped by the door this time.

"Don't you think it's a bit unfair?" she asked, her eyes narrowing. "You... forced me to tell you my entire past... You never trusted me until I did. Yet I- I have just been expected to- to know nothing about you?"

vision • dilucWhere stories live. Discover now