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• third person •

"I haven't had to wear such warm clothes in so long." (Y/N) hid her face in the coat she was trying on, the fluff cutely snuggled around her face, only making her look like an adorable fluffy cat to her husband.

Diluc simply smiled, cupping her face with his hands, before kissing her nose.

(Y/N) blushed, before continuing. "Where I live in Snezhnaya, it was always snowing. We lived in a more rural area. We should visit my old house."

Diluc nodded. "Of course. I can't promise I haven't seen it before though. My travels in Snezhnaya were quite long," he said with a chuckle.

(Y/N) observed as Diluc buttoned up the large coat she wore, all the way, swallowing her body whole. Her face reddened when she realised the sparkle in Diluc's eyes which just told her that all he could think of was how cute he found her in that moment.

He tugged at the large sleeves, before his hands slipped around her waist, checking the extra material.

"This one should keep you warm enough. I can get it tailored to your size. Unfortunately it covers all of your cute outfit."

(Y/N) folded her arms. "I don't think my outfit is very suited for a snowy climate anyway," she stated with a pout. "I'll wear some sleeves. And tights."

Diluc unbuttoned the coat again. (Y/N) flicked his forehead when she noticed where his eyes were fixed. He giggled.

(Y/N) held her chest. "Not covering my boobs."

"Only makes your outfit cuter." Diluc grinned. "Let me get the tailor."

Diluc slipped the coat off her shoulders, before taking it over to the middle-aged woman at the counter. (Y/N) watched as he spoke with her, giving her a sheet of paper with (Y/N)'s measurements. Diluc was quick to return.

"She should have it done by tomorrow," he informed (Y/N). "Don't worry: she's very reliable. She's been my tailor since birth."

"So she made your childhood clothes too?"

Diluc nodded with a fond smile. "I still have them somewhere. Perhaps if we ever have a child I can pass them down."

Instantly, (Y/N) blushed, averting her gaze.

"Come: I need to talk to you about something."

Blinking, (Y/N) followed Diluc out of the large clothes shop. He slipped his hand into hers, taking them both out of the city of Mondstadt, into a simple lonely grassland where the winds blew free.

Their feet came to a halt. Diluc grabbed (Y/N)'s other hand, before staring directly into her eyes. Her face reddened, perplexed.

"As soon as your coat is done, we can head out to Snezhnaya, since we've already packed everything now."

(Y/N) nodded.

Diluc looked away, his lips pursing.

"I can't be caught in Snezhnaya, so we're going to have to go a different way. It'll be very different to what you've experienced."

He sighed quietly. (Y/N)'s head tilted.

"While we're travelling, you're going to pretend to be an electro cicin mage I have taken hostage of."


His grip on her hands tightened. "You'll understand. Now, listen carefully, okay? On our journey there may be people who try to harm you or put their hands on you. Where I'm going to take you will be a dangerous place full of untrustworthy people. You'll be able to tell which ones are trustworthy and which ones aren't."

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