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! tw: sexual assault, implications of rape !

please read with caution! an exclamation mark will mark when it starts and ends.

• third person •

Rough winds roared through the snowy mountains, rushing through the traveller's blonde locks as she held tightly upon her flying companion's hand to make sure she didn't blow away.

Paimon heaved a sigh of relief at the Archon-brought sight of crackling fire.

"Finally! Paimon thought she'd turn into an ice cube!"

"Well, it has happened to you once before..."


Lumine giggled, before finally, they had reached their long-sought destination.

"Albedo!!!" Paimon exclaimed with a big wave. Lumine blinked when Paimon somehow physically jumped even though she was floating midair. "I-Is that Kaeya?!"

"Hello," Albedo greeted innocently. "It's been a while, both of you."

"Indeed it has," Lumine replied with a smile.

"Hey! Why are you both acting so normal?!"

Both blondes' gazes landed upon the figure upon the floor, his clothes drenched in various places with browning blood, his blue hair ragged and messy, his one eye clamped shut tightly as he lay unconscious upon the stone ground.

"Is he dead?"

Albedo let out the most suspicious of chuckles. "He's very much alive."


Paimon slapped her own forehead.

Lumine knelt down, carefully examining the unconscious Calvary Captain that rivalled a starfish in a fish tank.

"I heard about the situation in Mondstadt, so Paimon and I decided to visit to take a look."

Albedo hummed, continuing with his what-seemed-to-be examination. Paimon tapped her chin as the alchemist stirred a strange potion, before crouching before the unconscious knight.

"Is Kaeya gonna be okay?" Paimon mumbled. "As much as he teases Paimon, Paimon still doesn't like seeing him like this..."

A small frown tugged upon Lumine's lips. "We visited Mondstadt momentarily. The weather should start getting better now. Is there anything else we could do to help?"

Albedo fell silent, slowly injecting something into Kaeya's arm.

Just as Paimon was about to speak again, Albedo shushed her.

The crackling fire radiated with a known warmth, glowing softly, a familiar sense of life rising upon the paled face on the stone ground.

Kaeya's visible eye twitched, before his hand lifted.

Paimon gasped, instantly hiding behind Lumine. Lumine stood back, holding out her arm to shield her. Albedo simply sat before his lover, waiting patiently.

Kaeya's eyebrows furrowed, covering his face with the back of his arm.


Simply, Albedo smiled.

"Say," he began, turning towards the bewildered blonde traveller, "has your travels brought you to Snezhnaya yet?"

• • •


Crimson liquid splattered upon her face, her electro sword ripping through her newest victim beneath her. A now much-too-familiar scarlet dripped through the white blankets beneath her, before she stood, dragging the body somewhere it wouldn't be discovered immediately.

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